Chelsea Manning

Chelsea Manning Can't See The Fbi's Files About Her, Judge Rules
Chelsea Manning Can't See The Fbi's Files About Her, Judge Rules

... court papers called Manning's request, filed under the federal Freedom of Information Act, “a quintessential example of an improper attempt to use FOIA to force the government to open its investigative files to public inspection.” The information that Manning wanted was collected as part of a broader, ongoing investigation into Wiki Leaks, the government said, and should be kept secret. The government didn't provide many details about the contents of the documents at issue, but did say that they included confidential source statements — releasing that information could put a source at risk, the government said — communications between the FBI and other agencies, and other evidence. The Justice Department also said it wasn't possible to segregate out information that was solely about Manning in a way that wouldn't jeopardize the pending investigation. Judge Amit Mehta of the US District Court for the District of Columbia wrote on Wednesday that the government ...

Why Obama Should Pardon Chelsea Manning
Why Obama Should Pardon Chelsea Manning

... decides who will be granted a pardon or a reprieve and their actions are irrevocable. They’re not even obliged to explain their reasoning. Obama has done much to mop up this legacy, giving commutations to hundreds of inmates harshly sentenced under out-dated laws. “America,” he said, “is a nation of second chances.” But what about first chances. Chelsea Manning never really had one. The odds were against her even before she was born. Chelsea, then Bradley, was born small: fetal alcohol syndrome was suspected. Growing up, she was bullied at school. “Faggy” and “girly-boy”, the other kids called her. Secretly, she’d cross dress. Then she’d punish herself for doing so. Later, when she began to explore her identity more publicly – wearing eyeliner and dying her hair. After months of homelessness, she moved in with an aunt and, in what must surely have been an act of desperation, joined the Army. There, she faced further discrimination. The tragedy is that, going from one ...

Obama Vurderer Benåding Av Chelsea Manning
Obama Vurderer Benåding Av Chelsea Manning

... fordi Edward Snowden ikke kunne innhentes. Under rettssaken bad Manning om unnskyldning for at hennes handlinger hadde såret andre og at de skadet USA. – Jeg forstår at jeg må betale prisen for mine valg og handlinger, sa hun. Denne uttalelsen skal først nå ha blitt publisert, av NBC. Demonstranter i en homoparade i San Francisco i 2015 krevde at Chelsea Manning ble løslatt. Nå har de fått nytt håp om at hun kan slippe fri etter å ha sonet en femtedel av straffen. Foto: Elijah Nouvelage / Reuters. Satt i isolasjon. I fjor høst ble Manning satt i isolasjon etter at hun prøvde å ta sitt eget liv. Hun avbrøt en sultestreik da hun ble lovet kirurgi knyttet til hennes kjønnsidentitet. – Jeg er uendelig lettet over at forsvaret endelig gjør det rette. Det får de min honnør for. Det er alt jeg har ønsket at de lar meg være meg selv, sa Manning i en uttalelse. Hennes tante sier at hun håper Obama vil ta hensyn til niesens problematiske oppvekst, utfordringer med kjønnsidentitet, og hennes anger. – Jeg vil si at dette er en person som aldri har hatt en sjanse i livet, som er veldig smart, og som tok en dårlig avgjørelse, ...

Could Barack Obama Pardon Edward Snowden, Hillary Clinton And Chelsea Manning
Could Barack Obama Pardon Edward Snowden, Hillary Clinton And Chelsea Manning

... won the presidency in November 2016, Chelsea made a formal petition to President Obama requesting him to reduce her 35-year sentence to the six years of time that she has already served. American lawyers, who have clemency applications stated earlier in December 2016 that Manning’s pardon is unlikely to happen because the provided request does not fit the appropriate criteria. Bowe Bergdahl. The 30-year-old Idaho-born Robert ‘Bowe’ Bergdahl is also a United States Army soldier who was held captive by the Taliban-aligned Haqqani network in Pakistan and Afghanistan from June 2009 until his release on May 31, 2014, as part of a prisoner exchange for five Taliban members who were sentenced to serve at Guantanamo Bay. [Image by US Army/AP Images]. Later in June 2014, the U. S. Army stated that their team has started investigating on the grounds of Bowe’s capture and release by the Haqqani network. New York Times reported in 2016 that Bergdahl is going to ask President Obama to pardon him before leaving the White House in January ...

Pardon Manning And Snowden Before Trump Takes Office
Pardon Manning And Snowden Before Trump Takes Office

... of unredacted information onto the web, Snowden turned over his information to journalists. In doing so, he allowed the process and ethics of journalism to filter the leaked documents, publish only those that were in the public interest, and give the government an opportunity to push for redactions or withholding of truly harmful documents. Without the data Snowden released, newspapers and the American people would have gone years without learning of the intelligence community's abuses and excesses. After all, the congressional intelligence committees knew about many of the programs Snowden exposed. They did not act. JUST WATCHED. MUST WATCH. Meet the people who hid Snowden 03:11. Even the White House National Security Staff and internal watchdogs in the intelligence community had only limited success in curbing excessive spying. As President Obama's first Director of Privacy and Civil Liberties for the White House National Security Staff put it : "It took Snowden to spark meaningful change. Snowden forced ...

100,000+ People Demand Obama Free Chelsea Manning
100,000+ People Demand Obama Free Chelsea Manning

... going on in North Carolina today. The North Carolina governor-elect, Democrat Roy Cooper, has called for a special session today to consider repealing House Bill 2, which he’s called one of the most discriminatory laws in the country. The law, also called "the bathroom bill," denies transgender people use of the bathroom, changing room or locker room that matches their gender identity. Can you explain what is going on, what’s happening with the Charlotte City Council? And it’s the current governor, Mc Crory, who’s in charge right now. CHASE STRANGIO: Current Governor Mc Crory is in charge. The politicians in North Carolina have brokered a deal, as they are saying, whereby Charlotte has repealed their nondiscrimination law. And apparently today, Mc Crory has called a special session, wherein leadership has claimed, although somewhat backtracking, that they will repeal HB 2. I think two important things to note. One is, HB 2 was an unnecessary law that had nothing to do, in reality, with Charlotte extending nondiscrimination protections. It was a law fueled by fear of and hate of trans people, and a law that should ...

Free Chelsea Manning Now
Free Chelsea Manning Now

... in pre-trial detention. She was kept in solitary confinement for eleven months of her pre-trial detention, in conditions that amount to torture, according to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. Chelsea was confined in a windowless six-metre cell for 23 hours a day, without personal possessions, bed sheets, and at times even her glasses. While she was seen as a suicide risk, Chelsea was only allowed to wear her boxer shorts in her cell, and was sometimes forced to go without even her underwear. She has described how she was verbally harassed just before the suicide watch began and how she believed that it was a punishment imposed upon her as a retribution for a protest at the conditions of her detention that had been held outside the detention centre the previous day. Unfair trial. At her July 2013 trial, Chelsea was not allowed to present evidence that she was acting in the public interest – her defense all along; instead she could only explain ...

Why President Obama Should Commute Chelsea Manning’s Sentence
Why President Obama Should Commute Chelsea Manning’s Sentence

... for her gender dysphoria, even though the military’s own doctors diagnosed her as such as far back as 2010. In the past six months, after years of fighting just to be treated as a human being, after being humiliated in the military under policies like “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and the ban on open transgender service, after surviving homelessness and discrimination in her youth, Chelsea has attempted to end her life twice.  Her well-being was further compromised when she faced punishment for her desperation and was sent to solitary confinement for attempting suicide in July. Her trauma is escalating; her life is in danger. President Obama is likely the only person who can save her. Though her appeals are ongoing, the process is slow. Though she has received some medical treatment, much critical care remains withheld. The future is uncertain, and our chance to save Chelsea’s life is now. Chelsea is not asking for a pardon. She takes and always has taken full responsibility for her actions. As she explains her in clemency application. “I take full and complete responsibility for my decision to disclose ...

If President Obama Doesn't Commute Her Sentence, Chelsea Manning Won't Survive
If President Obama Doesn't Commute Her Sentence, Chelsea Manning Won't Survive

... for a possible commutation. If true, this move would offer a glimmer of hope during a time when it is in short supply. If President Obama fails to act now, he is condemning Chelsea to a gruesome fate, and his legacy as an advocate for LGBTQ rights will be forever tarnished. Chelsea Manning is a transgender woman who has already served 7 years of a 35 year sentence in an all-male military facility. Her crime? Releasing documents that revealed the impacts of war on civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. Chelsea witnessed atrocities, and bravely did what she felt was right to expose them. Her outrageously long sentence, nearly 10 times longer than other recent whistleblowers, is shocking enough, but we can add to that to the disturbing abuse that Chelsea has faced behind bars. For 8 months, Chelsea was held in a form of solitary confinement which the United Nations considers to be torture. Since then, Chelsea has been denied some medically recommended treatments for gender dysphoria. And despite the Obama administration’s stated support for the rights of transgender ...

He Has Her On The 'short List,' But Will Obama Free Chelsea Manning
He Has Her On The 'short List,' But Will Obama Free Chelsea Manning

... of a deadly 2007 air strike in Baghdad in which the U. S. helicopter crew could be heard laughing about the casualties and State Department cables with blunt comments from American diplomats. "I don't think any harm was done," Coombs said of the disclosures. "A lot of embarrassment, certainly.". Alexa O'Brien, a freelance journalist, covered the trial and sat in the courtroom every day. She said she believes Manning did not mean to harm the U. S. and that the pre-sentence apology was genuine. "Everything she said in that statement is completely morally and ethically consistent with what she said when she pled to 10 lesser or included offenses," O'Brien said. People hold signs calling for the release of imprisoned wikileaks whistleblower Chelsea Manning while marching in a gay pride parade in San Francisco, California June 28, 2015. Elijah Nouvelage / Reuters. Last month, more than 100,000 people signed an online petition seeking commutation of Manning's sentence, meeting the threshold for a White House response within 60 days. The ...

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