David Shulkin

David Shulkin Picked To Head Department Of Veterans Affairs
David Shulkin Picked To Head Department Of Veterans Affairs

... He will do a truly great job. One of the commitments I've made is that we're going to straighten out the whole situation for our veterans.". Shulkin is the VA's current undersecretary for health, a position in which he oversaw more than 1,700 health care sites across the United States. Before joining the VA, Shulkin was president and CEO of the Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City and president of the Morristown Medical Center. He was also the chief medical officer of the University of Pennsylvania Health System. Read More. The announcement means Trump has chosen nominees for 20 of his 21 Cabinet posts - with the position of secretary of agriculture left to fill. Veterans' care advocates had said they'd seen clear signs of progress and had lobbied Trump to keep current VA Secretary Robert Mc Donald in the post. Trump had pledged on the campaign trail to dramatically overhaul the VA. In elevating a current Obama administration appointee, it's not clear whether those plans have changed. After joining the VA in ...

Key Points From Donald Trump's News Conference
Key Points From Donald Trump's News Conference

... the New York Times. Trump also claimed that that most drugs are not manufactured here. Regardless, all drugs have to meet Food and Drug Administration standards. New VA secretary. Dr. David Shulkin, MD, was named by the president-elect to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs. Shulkin was originally appointed by President Barack Obama to lead the department in 2015. He still wants Mexico to pay for the border wall. Trump said that the border wall was still a reality, and that Mexico would be paying for it. This comes after reports that suggested the American people would have to foot the bill. He did, however, indicate that he wants to get started on the wall sooner rather than later. Further, he said Mexico would pay the U. S. back for work done at a later date, either through a direct payment or some type of taxation. He wants a border tax on businesses who leave the U. S. Trump threatened that any business that takes its manufacturing outside of the U. S. will face a border tax when reentering its products into the America economy. However, Congress will need to pass any ...

3 Things You Need To Do This Winter In South Florida
3 Things You Need To Do This Winter In South Florida

... Obama has bid farewell to the nation in an emotional speech that sought to comfort a country on edge over rapid economic changes, persistent security threats and the election of Donald Trump. More > >. There is one state in our country that doesn’t have snow on the ground right now: Florida. Most people are jealous of our weather, but make sure you’re adding to the envy by letting them know you’re also attending these cool exclusive South Florida events (outdoors!). It’s Fair Season! The South Florida Fair kicks off January 13 th – January 29 th. Don’t miss the Mardi Gras parade at 6:30 pm on January 13 th! Along with cooking up some Cajun plates, the fair will also feature some outrageous food combinations like Goetze’s Dairy Kone’s Sriracha Fire & Ice Kreme Sundae, Bianco’s Frosted Flakes Chicken on a Stick, & Porky’s Doughnut Burger. ...

Clapper Speaks With Trump About Russia Report
Clapper Speaks With Trump About Russia Report

... to stop illegal immigration. Pena Nieto says that any negotiations with the U. S. must include a commitment to stop the flow of illegal arms and money from the U. S. into Mexico. 4:20 p.m. The head of the Office of Government Ethics is publicly slamming President-elect Donald Trump's plans to continue profiting from his international company while he is in the White House. Walter Shaub took the extraordinary step of saying Trump's plan to retain a stake in the Trump Organization while his adult sons run the day-to-day operations falls short of what the OGE had advised him to do. The office counseled Trump to sell off his business assets and place the proceeds in a trust overseen by an independent manager. Shaub says: "I wish circumstances were different and I didn't feel the need to make public remarks today. Of Trump's plan, he says: "It doesn't meet the standards that the best of his nominees are meeting" and that previous presidents have followed. Shaub says he is happy to provide Trump "constructive feedback" on how to divest his business interests. 3:35 p.m. Ivanka Trump says she'll ...

Trump Nominates Va Undersecretary For Health To Head Department
Trump Nominates Va Undersecretary For Health To Head Department

... knows where the bones are buried. LAWRENCE: Tapping a respected insider at VA may suggest Trump understands just how hard it will be to fix, says Paul Rieckhoff with Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. PAUL RIECKHOFF: In many ways, the Trump administration is like the dog that caught the car. They've been blasting VA for two years. Now they've got to run it. So Dr. Shulkin can definitely help them do that, and he has an obligation also to stand up to Trump. LAWRENCE: For example, Shulkin oversaw increased use of private care outside VA with mixed results. It's not clear where he stands on Trump's plan to expand privatization, an idea unpopular with veterans. Quil Lawrence, NPR News. Copyright © 2017 NPR. All rights reserved. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at __link__ for further information. NPR transcripts ...

Trump Names Shuklin As Va Secretary
Trump Names Shuklin As Va Secretary

... Ross was nominated to be the secretary of the Department of Commerce, the transition team announced on Nov. 30, 2016. Ross is an investor and businessman who was the head of investment banking company Rothschild Inc. for 25 years. Ross is worth $2.5 billion, according to Forbes Magazine. He also served as an economic policy adviser to Trump during his campaign. (Credit: Getty Images / Drew Angerer). Todd Ricketts: Deputy secretary of commerce. Todd Ricketts, the co-owner of the Chicago Cubs, was nominated to be the deputy secretary of commerce, the transition team announced on Nov. 30, 2016. Ricketts' family reportedly donated money to the Ours Principles PAC, which had a goal of defeating Trump, during the Republican primaries. Trump called them out on Twitter in February, saying "I hear the Rickets family, who own the Chicago Cubs, are secretly spending $'s against me. They better be careful, they have a lot to hide!" Todd Ricketts became a Trump ally later in the campaign. (Credit: Getty Images / Drew Angerer). ADVERTISE HERE. Elaine Chao: ...

Trump Names David Shulkin Va Secretary, Pledges Simultaneous Aca Repeal And Replace
Trump Names David Shulkin Va Secretary, Pledges Simultaneous Aca Repeal And Replace

... expensive and better, he said. "You're going to be very proud of what we put forth," Trump said. "Obamacare is a complete and total disaster," he said, citing high deductibles and premiums tied to the ACA. [Also: Trump HHS nominee Tom Price's special interests, connections questioned ]. Trump did not give specifics of a new healthcare law, but has said a replacement plan would, as the ACA now does, not exclude Americans who have a pre-existing condition. He has also spoken out against the ACA's individual and employer mandate to get insurance coverage. Without both in place to ensure healthy, as well as sick individuals, get coverage, insurers would no longer offer plans on the marketplace, experts have said. Insurers such as United Health and Aetna have already stopped selling plans in numerous states, citing financial losses with the product. Trump said the easier thing to do would be to let President Obama 's signature health law implode in 2017. "We could be a Chuck Schumer and sit back and criticize," Trump said of the Democratic New York Senator who has been ...

Trump Picks Obama Appointee David Shulkin To Lead Va
Trump Picks Obama Appointee David Shulkin To Lead Va

... Center. Trump has pledged to overhaul the VA, a department that has seen a large influx of veterans from the Vietnam War, Iraq and Afghanistan. Copyright 2017 Raycom News Network. All rights reserved. Trump in transition President-elect Donald Trump More> >. Thursday, January 12 2017 5:33 AM EST 2017-01-12 10:33:50 GMT. Thursday, January 12 2017 6:01 AM EST 2017-01-12 11:01:54 GMT. During former Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson's Senate confirmation hearing remarks on Wednesday, his testimony on China presented a sharp change in tone from the Obama administration's focus on cooperation. Thursday, January 12 2017 5:23 AM EST 2017-01-12 10:23:48 GMT. Thursday, January 12 2017 5:58 AM EST 2017-01-12 10:58:36 GMT. Ahead of the hearing, Democrats questioned the retired neurosurgeon's experience and priorities regarding the appointment. Thursday, January 12 2017 4:24 AM EST 2017-01-12 09:24:14 GMT. Thursday, January 12 2017 5:56 AM EST 2017-01-12 10:56:29 GMT. If confirmed as CIA director, Rep. Mike Pompeo could be caught in the role of mending relations between Trump and intelligence officials. Thursday, January ...

Trump To Nominate David Shulkin For Secretary Of Veterans Affairs
Trump To Nominate David Shulkin For Secretary Of Veterans Affairs

... we have and we're gonna set up a a group these suit hospitals that have been the top of the line the absolute. Top of the line and they're going to get together with there. A great doctors doctor Toby Cosgrove as you know from the Cleveland clinic has been very involved. Ike Perlmutter has been very very involved one of the great men of business. And we're gonna straighten out. The VA for our veterans have been promising that for a long time. And something I feel very very strongly so you'll get the information on. David and I think you'll be very impressed with the job he does we looked long and hard we interviewed. At least a hundred people. Some good some not so good. But we had a lot of talent and we think this election will be something that will with time. With time. Straightened out and straightened out for good. Because our veterans have been treated very unfairly okay. This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate. Now Playing: The Office of Government Ethics Calls Trump's Plan to Turn His ...

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