Inauguration Day

Inauguration Day Rooms Are Big Business For Airbnb
Inauguration Day Rooms Are Big Business For Airbnb

... and take a $5.2 billion charge as a result. As if all of that wasn’t enough, Samsung is finding itself caught up in a bribery scandal. Prosecutors in South Korea are looking to arrest Lee Jae-young, the heir to the entire Samsung corporate behemoth, on charges of bribery, perjury and embezzlement. The charges stem from allegations that Samsung doled out bribes in return for the South Korean government giving its OK to the merger of two Samsung affiliates. That merger gave Lee more power at Samsung, including control over Samsung Electronics. Bottom of the Lineup. Here’s a look at how some leading Silicon Valley stocks did Monday…Oh wait. U. S. stock markets were closed Monday for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. The Dow Jones industrial average will have to wait until Tuesday to continue its quest to reach the 20,000-point mark for the first time in history. Quote of the Day: “I can go bing bing bing … and they put it on and as ...

General Promises D.c. National Guard Is Ready For Inauguration Day Despite Furor
General Promises D.c. National Guard Is Ready For Inauguration Day Despite Furor

... of Schwartz’s removal as ridiculous and unnecessary. “It doesn’t make sense to can the general in the middle of an active deployment,” Mendelson said last week. Unlike in states in which governors select Guard commanders, the president maintains that duty in Washington. Schwartz, appointed to head the D. C. Guard by President George W. Bush in 2008, maintained the position through President Obama’s two terms. As is customary for presidential appointees, Schwartz had offered his resignation after Trump was elected. On Saturday, after news reports that he would leave in the middle of the ceremony, the Guard said Trump’s transition team asked Schwartz to remain in command through Inauguration Day. Schwartz said he believes that the offer to stay on resulted only from the negative attention, and he turned it down because he had already notified his staff and begun to pack up his office. Transition officials for the new administration said on Friday that the team asked Schwartz to stay on to maintain continuity. They have not explained when and how the offer was made. “I don’t have any additional insight,” spokeswoman Jessica Ditto said Monday. ...

Protest Group Vows To Block Inaugural Ceremony, Parade
Protest Group Vows To Block Inaugural Ceremony, Parade

... said. “Yes, it will be a disruption. It’s going to be loud, it’s going to be major,” she said. D. C. interim Police Chief Peter Newsham said police were prepared for attempts to disrupt the Inauguration. In addition to police about 5,000 National Guard Troops are being activated. Mac Auly said the group plans to begin demonstrations Wednesday night outside the Chevy Chase, Maryland, home of Vice President-elect Mike Pence. They also plan to hold a protest Thursday evening outside the National Press Club, where a self-described pro-Trump group is hosting an inaugural celebratory gathering. Though the event is being organized by white supremacist alt-right members, they say the event is for Trump supporters “from across the country, from all backgrounds, ethnicities, and walks of life. We will not tolerate any incendiary actions that are discriminatory in nature and/or designed to disrupt the event.”. Disrupt J 20 has permits for a major march from Columbus Circle at Union Station to Mc ...

10 Essential Films And Tv Shows To Get You Through Inauguration Day
10 Essential Films And Tv Shows To Get You Through Inauguration Day

... year, but 2017 and the years ahead don’t look all that bright either. The current state of American politics is part chaos, part circus, part something right out of a dystopian novel. Regardless of who you voted for last November, the truth is we’re about to enter a new era of American politics, one that’s already concerning for many, and especially terrifying for American minorities. As film lovers and critics, we often look to the screen to help us through the struggles we’re faced with outside the movie theater. Beyond entertainment, art has the power to lend us strength, hope, and inspiration. It can educate us, create vessels for catharsis, and allow us to build empathy for those we identify with on screen, as well as those we may not. In many ways, art’s impact is vital now more than ever. In a new episode of Screen Crush’s podcast  Long Takes , we celebrate the recent documentaries and TV shows we’re ...

Presidents Change, Inauguration Day Stays The Same
Presidents Change, Inauguration Day Stays The Same

... soup, stuffed lobster and Texas ribs. Here's hoping for a really fancy New York-style pizza this year. After a big lunch, the best thing to do is get some steps in. Before the new President leads the country, he and the vice president lead the inaugural parade. Afterward, they watch the rest of the festivities from a bullet-proof viewing stand built in front of the White House. The parade tradition has its roots in Washington's first inauguration when local militias joined his procession as he made the trip from Virginia to New York City, according to the congressional inaugural committee. The first organized parade was held for Madison in 1809. Harrison was the first parade to include floats, and President Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural parade in 1865 was the first to welcome African-Americans. In 1873, President Ulysses Grant started the tradition of viewing the parade at the White House after being sworn-in. The only time a parade has been canceled for bad winter weather was in 1985, but President Ronald Reagan had already had a parade four ...

Inauguration Day Tickets Offer An 'opportunity Of A Lifetime
Inauguration Day Tickets Offer An 'opportunity Of A Lifetime

... Okinawa, Japan, passed away just weeks after Trump won the election. He was 89 years old. “I never expected it and that was what was bittersweet because I thought, oh my God, my dad would have loved this and he didn’t get a chance so I thought I absolutely have to go now,” Denman shared. Now, travel arrangements are in place and three of Kathy’s family members will make the trip too. Each of them has a ticket for a spot near the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. “He’ll be there in spirit and I know he’s going to be looking down very excited that we were able to go,” Denman said. Her father always carried an Irish coin with a prayer on it, so Denman will be carrying it with her on Inauguration Day. Politics aside, Denman says this once-in-a-lifetime event is one she will cherish forever and dedicate to her father. “The way I see it, this isn’t about politics,” Denman said. “This is about American history and an opportunity to be part of it.”. Copyright ...

Why Is Inauguration Day On January 20
Why Is Inauguration Day On January 20

... moved the president-elect’s Inauguration Day from March 4 to January 20. But, why. The answer is fairly simple and found in the Amendment’s nickname: The “Lame Duck Amendment.”. The 20 th Amendment was crafted to cut down the time “lame duck” lawmakers held office following Election Day. Lame duck lawmakers are those that lost re-election or chose to step down from their post following their term. However, during the period of time between Election Day and Inauguration Day, lame duck lawmakers still hold their authority. Two notable times in history , this “lame duck” period proved problematic for the country. The nation already was near a tipping point prior to the 1860 election as the North and South split over abolishing slavery. When Lincoln was announced the winner, Southern states quickly moved to build up armories and planned to secede from the Union. Days ticked by as the South worked on their ...

An Inauguration Day Surprise? By
An Inauguration Day Surprise? By

... on Russia’s doorstep, and risk his rep as a tough-guy-hard-ass with the alt-right crowd. So he’s dumping as many troops into the region as he can while he has the chance. Odds are they’ll remain there, holding Washington’s place, until they can figure out a way to get rid of Trump or co-opt him. Face it Justin, the best case scenario with Trump is that he becomes a lame duck and gives Putin enough time to regroup before another true believer takes back the Oval Office. Sorry to be a Debbie-downer but that’s what it looks like to me. Eileen Kuch. You don’t know Donald Trump, Comrade, if you really believe the tripe you just wrote. He has more balls than you do. One of his first moves after he assumes office is to begin negotiations with Putin (as he had promised during his entire campaign) and start bringing the troops home to re-deploy to our southern border with Mexico, since it will take time for the ...

A Slow Warm-up Through Inauguration Day, But Chances For Rain
A Slow Warm-up Through Inauguration Day, But Chances For Rain

... You’re all set. By Jason Samenow January 16 at 5:00 AM Follow @capitalweather. TODAY’S DAILY DIGIT. A somewhat subjective rating of the day’s weather, on a scale of 0 to 10. 4/10: Kinda cool, kinda gray. Not my kinda weather on a holiday. EXPRESS FORECAST. Today: Cloudy, spotty rain early south. Highs: 40-45. Tonight: Chance of showers after midnight. Lows: 35-40. Tomorrow: Showers likely. Highs: 50-55. View the current weather conditions at The Washington Post headquarters. FORECAST IN DETAIL. The weather this week could easily be mistaken for March or early April — at times cool, at times showery but, at moments, brilliant. After a cloudy and chilly start to the week today, temperatures step up Tuesday when we must dodge some showers. Wednesday and Thursday look like nice dry days. While Inauguration Day may be mild, showers are a possibility. Milder-than-normal weather should persist through the weekend with some more showers possible Sunday. Today (Monday): Early this morning some patchy light rain is possible, especially south of ...

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