John Lewis

5 Things That Mattered This Week
5 Things That Mattered This Week

... countries, monitoring advertising perceptions among Generation X (the baby boomers born between the early 1960 s to late 1970 s), Generation Y (people born in the 1980 s and 1990 s) and Generation Z (those born from the year 2000 onwards). And when asked which ad formats they respond best to, each generation voted in a higher proportion for traditional formats over online ad formats. The most popular traditional format is cinema, with more than half (59%) of UK consumers identified as Gen Z feeling ‘positive about it’ as an advertising channel, with Gen X (52%) and Gen Y (50%) not far behind. And even radio, the least popular traditional format on a list of six, is better perceived than desktop display, the most popular online ad format on a list of fix, among the three different generations. The retailers outline their Christmas performance. This week was an important one for retailers, with the grocers and major high street brands releasing their Christmas results. ...

John Lewis Warns Of 'significantly Lower' Staff Bonuses
John Lewis Warns Of 'significantly Lower' Staff Bonuses

... 5 per cent increase in total sales over the crucial Christmas period on the previous year’s figure, but issued a cautious outlook. Tesco, Marks & Spencer, John Lewis and co cheer strong Christmas. “Although we expect to report profits up on last year, trading profit is under pressure,” said Charlie Mayfield, chairman of the group. “This reflects the greater changes taking place across the retail sector. We expect those to quicken, especially in the next 12 months as the effects of weaker sterling feed through,” he added. John Lewis department stores reported a 2.7 per cent rise in like-for-like sales in the six weeks to 31 December, while Waitrose enjoyed a 2.8 per cent rise over the period. But the company said that the strong trading performance, coupled with “the likelihood of higher reported profits” for the full year, “risk overshadowing ...

Tesco, Marks & Spencer, Debenhams And Co Cheer Strong Christmas
Tesco, Marks & Spencer, Debenhams And Co Cheer Strong Christmas

... Debenhams increased by 4 per cent. However, Tesco’s shares fell by more than 2 per cent in early trading. John Lewis Christmas adverts through the years. 1/9 Shadows, 2007. 2/9 From Me to You, 2008. 3/9 Sweet Child of Mine, 2009. 4/9 Rocking Horse 2010. 5/9 The Long Wait, 2011. 6/9 Snowpeople in Love, 2012. 7/9 The Bear and the Hare, 2013. 8/9 Monty the Penguin, 2014. The ad from last year warmed the general public at Christmas. 9/9 The Man on the Moon, 2015. John Lewis' festive advert features a girl, Lily, who connects by telescope with an old man alone on the Moon. On Wednesday, Sainsbury reported bumper Christmas sales of more than £1 bn and chief executive Mike Coupe said that the group had enjoyed a “record Christmas week”, helping shares climb to the top of the FTSE 100. German discounter ...

John Lewis Recalls 'bitter Fruits Of Segregation' At Sessions Hearing
John Lewis Recalls 'bitter Fruits Of Segregation' At Sessions Hearing

... Trump spokesman denies reported meeting in Iceland. 1,164 Shares. GOP senator slams Trump: John. A Senate Republican is blasting President-elect Donald Trump's criticism. 599 Shares. Human Rights Watch lists Trump as. Human Rights Watch is listing President-elect Donald Trump as a threat to. 437 Shares. Michael Moore to host star-studded. Alec Baldwin and Mark Ruffalo also plan to attend the rally outside Trump'. 357 Shares. Rand Paul teases Obama Care. GOP senator has pushed to replace the law when it is repealed. 259 Shares. Lawmakers condemn Trump for attack. Lawmakers took to social media on Saturday to defend Rep. John Lewis's (D-. 250 Shares. Ex-RNC chair responds to Trump’s. Michael Steele calls Trump's tweets attacking John Lewis "unfortunate.". 240 Shares. GOP lawmaker on Trump's Lewis. Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) pushes Trump to move on. 240 Shares. Latinos set to toast tequila to. OPINION | If news of our inauguration party surprises you, recall that 29. 223 Shares. Trump: Lewis should help me work. "I can use all the help I can get!” Trump tweeted. 221 Shares. WHIP LIST: Democrats boycotting. More than a dozen Democrats ...

Trump Allies Appear After John Lewis Criticism
Trump Allies Appear After John Lewis Criticism

... set to appear. CNN’s “State of the Union”: Denis Mc Donough. Rand Paul Rand Paul teases Obama Care replacement bill Sunday shows preview: Trump allies appear after John Lewis criticism 9 GOP senators Trump must watch out for MORE (R-Ky.), who has been a vocal critic of his fellow Republicans for not proposing an alternative to Obama Care, will also be on the show. “Fox News Sunday”: Pence will also appear on the network, as will CIA Director John Brennan. NBC’s “Meet the Press”: Priebus will also make an appearance on “Meet the Press.” Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Trump to meet Putin in first. Trump spokesman denies reported meeting in Iceland. 1,164 Shares. GOP senator slams Trump: John. A Senate Republican is blasting President-elect Donald Trump's criticism. 599 Shares. Human Rights Watch lists Trump as. Human Rights Watch is listing President-elect Donald Trump as a threat to. 437 Shares. Michael Moore to host ...

Trump Unleashes Twitter Attack Against Civil Rights Legend Rep. John Lewis
Trump Unleashes Twitter Attack Against Civil Rights Legend Rep. John Lewis

... rather than falsely complaining about the election results.". The incoming president added: "All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!". Lewis, among the most revered leaders of the civil rights movement, suffered a skull fracture during the march in Selma, Alabama, more than a half-century ago and has devoted his life to promoting equal rights for African-Americans. For many African-Americans the contrast between this inauguration and Barack Obama's first one, in 2009, was striking. The 16-term congressman said Friday that he would not attend Trump's swearing-in ceremony at the Capitol this coming Friday, and that it would be the first time he had skipped an inauguration since joining Congress three decades ago. "You know, I believe in forgiveness. I believe in trying to work with people. It will be hard. It's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president," Lewis said in an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press" that is set to air Sunday. "I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton," ...

Atlantans Say Trump Is Wrong About Their City And John Lewis
Atlantans Say Trump Is Wrong About Their City And John Lewis

... well beyond Georgia, went too far, they said. “John Lewis is an American hero & a national treasure. Period. Full stop,” tweeted Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed. Like others, the mayor questioned the timing of Trump’s twitter assault. “That PEOTUS Trump would attack Congressman Lewis on MLK Day weekend for ‘all talk…no action’ when he bled to actually “Make America Great” is why far less than half the country supports him at the dawn of his presidency.”. Lewis had been unabashedly taking on Trump for days. He testified against Jeff Sessions, the Alabama senator who is Trump’s attorney general nominee and went on to announce his plans to skip the inauguration. State Sen. Josh Mc Koon, a Republican, said Lewis’ decision to boycott the inauguration was “petty and dangerous” and that it justified Trump’s ire. “Regardless of whether you’re on the right or the left, you ought to respect the election. That’s what I did in 2008 when Obama was elected,” said Mc Koon. “Sure, I was disappointed in the outcome, but I respected it and ...

Where Is Georgia's 5th Congressional District
Where Is Georgia's 5th Congressional District

... Georgia's 5 th congressional district ( map ) in the United States House of Representatives since 1987. The district encompasses almost all of Atlanta. Congressman John Lewis tours new Civil Rights museum. Lewis became nationally known during his prominent role in the Selma to Montgomery marches. During the first march police attacked the peaceful demonstrators and beat Lewis mercilessly in public, leaving head wounds that are still visible today. At the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom of 1963, Lewis, a representative of [SNCC], the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, was the youngest speaker. John Lewis (1940-) was national chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee when he spoke at the March on Washington. He was one of the primary leaders of the civil rights movement. On March 7, 1965, known as Bloody Sunday, he was among those injured at Selma's Edmund Pettis Bridge, suffering a skull fracture when state troopers ordered the peaceful demonstrators to disperse. He has served as U. S. Representative for Georgia's 5 th Congressional District since 1987. ...

Singer Who Backed Out Of Inauguration Performance
Singer Who Backed Out Of Inauguration Performance

... to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!” Trump wrote in several tweets. The tweets have sparked backlash from numerous lawmakers and citizens on the eve of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Trump to meet Putin in first. Trump spokesman denies reported meeting in Iceland. 1,164 Shares. GOP senator slams Trump: John. A Senate Republican is blasting President-elect Donald Trump's criticism. 599 Shares. Human Rights Watch lists Trump as. Human Rights Watch is listing President-elect Donald Trump as a threat to. 437 Shares. Michael Moore to host star-studded. Alec Baldwin and Mark Ruffalo also plan to attend the rally outside Trump'. 357 Shares. Rand Paul teases Obama Care. GOP senator has pushed to replace the law when it is repealed. 259 Shares. Lawmakers condemn Trump for attack. Lawmakers took to social media on Saturday to defend Rep. John Lewis's (D-. 250 Shares. Ex-RNC chair responds to Trump’s. Michael ...

Trump Blasts Rep. Lewis For Saying His Election Not Legitimate
Trump Blasts Rep. Lewis For Saying His Election Not Legitimate

... better than this. __link__/WX 1 QDCKfz P. — Kamala Harris (@Kamala Harris) January 14, 2017. In his interview, Lewis, who has been in Congress for 30 years, said next week will be the first time he has not attended a presidential inauguration since he first came to Congress. Earlier Friday, Rep. Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz., also announced his plans to skip the inauguration during a speech on the House floor. “My absence is not motivated by disrespect for the office or motivated by disrespect for the government that we have in this great democracy," Grijalva said. "An individual act, yes, of defiance at the disrespect shown to million and millions of Americans by this incoming administration and by the actions we’re taking in this Congress.". Grijalava said he’ll be home in Arizona meeting with constituents, including seniors, immigrants, environmental and climate change activists and health care providers. “I’m doing that because if you look at the scenario that’s before us, Affordable Care Act, and then deregulation strategies down the road the group that I mentioned are the groups that are going to feel the first blunt of Trump trying to do ...

Why Donald Trump Attacked John Lewis And Why He Will Always Attack People Who 'wound' Him
Why Donald Trump Attacked John Lewis And Why He Will Always Attack People Who 'wound' Him

... suffering from NPD follow virtually every time they are criticized or attacked. 1. They Devalue. 2. They Threaten. 3. They  Retaliate. Devaluing is diplomatically and militarily dangerous with other world leaders who, themselves, may be unstable or have enormous egos, or even NPD, and threatening and retaliating have obvious potential for very real global crisis. And, at this point, even though Mr. Trump has never formally laid down on a Psychiatrist's couch (something that NPD sufferers are almost never willing to do), we've seen that these three reactions to criticism or challenge are the very, and proudly held, modus operandi of our President-Elect throughout his business career and personal life. How many people has he devalued?  "Little Marco", "Lying Ted", "Low Energy Jeb", "Crooked Hillary", Miss Universe, all of his female accusers, Alec Baldwin. China, Meryl Streep and so many others.  He's not immature. This is a textbook symptom of NPD. How many people has he threatened?  Threatening people with lawsuits is part of his business model.  As Commander-in-Chief he will have the entirety of The United States ...

We Will Lay Down The Burden Of Racism
We Will Lay Down The Burden Of Racism

... and ignore the reality of mass gun violence in our nation.”. More recently he delivered powerful testimony against U. S. Sen. Jeff Sessions, Trump’s pick for Attorney General. Lewis said he will skip the inauguration and has said he believes Russia President Vladimir Putin helped elect Trump. “I think it was a conspiracy on part of the Russians and others to help him get elected,” he told MSNBC. “That’s not right, that’s not right. That’s not fair. That’s not the open democratic process.”. The movie “Selma” was released 50 years after the small Alabama town became an iconic landmark in the Civil Rights movement, and Lewis returned to the bridge where agents of government battered him for marching. As he contemplated the journey from having to sit in a segregated balcony to watching himself portrayed in a major Hollywood movie, he sounded hopeful and pleased. “To go from that to having someone play me in a movie, it says something about America and the progress that has been made,” Lewis said. “It’s ...

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