
Struck Off Lord Harley Badges Himself 'pro Bono Senior Counsel' On Linkedin
Struck Off Lord Harley Badges Himself 'pro Bono Senior Counsel' On Linkedin

... (SRA) has confirmed to Legal Cheek it is looking into a new complaint made about Alan Blacker, aka Lord Harley. The controversial former ‘solicitor-advocate’ was struck off last year following a two-day hearing at the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT). The SDT found the SRA had proven seven out of eight charges made against Blacker, some of which concerned “inaccurate and misleading” statements he had made about his academic qualifications and professional memberships. Blacker was brought to the SRA’s attention in part because of his eccentric Linked In page. Still live, the page contains a number of bold claims. For example, he professes to be a Transactional Analysis Psychoanalytical Psychologist; a Fellow of the Zoological Society of London; a Licensed Boiler Examiner; and a Stanford University graduate, among many (many) other things. Though it states he was solicitor-advocate only until July 2016 (when he was struck off), notably his Linked In profile still claims the following: he is a Full Member of the Industrial Law Society; a Senior trial and appeal Counsel Civil Grade A (highest) Criminal Level 4 (highest); a member of the ...

At Linkedin, Artificial Intelligence Is Like ‘oxygen
At Linkedin, Artificial Intelligence Is Like ‘oxygen

... not going to be able to surface the right insights to the right users and customers,” Agarwal said. AI is the science and engineering of creating intelligent machines with the ability to achieve goals like humans do, according to John Mc Carthy, the computer scientist who coined the term “artificial intelligence” in the 1950 s. Agarwal, the head of AI and relevance at Linked In, recently sat down with this newspaper to chat about how the tech company — now owned by Microsoft — is using AI to enhance the careers of the site’s more than 467 million members. The interview has been edited for length and clarity. Q: What did early AI tools look like when you were first beginning your career. A: Initially, if you looked at the entire internet space, it was mostly search. How to make search scalable and intelligent, how to retrieve the right document for a given query. I remember when I was in Yahoo, we started this project to revamp Yahoo’s front page. We would ...

One Of The Biggest Mistakes A Manager Can Make, According To Linkedin's Ceo
One Of The Biggest Mistakes A Manager Can Make, According To Linkedin's Ceo

... to staffing issues ― and in his experience, Weiner has come to realize that there’s a certain level of compassion involved in letting someone go. As Weiner believes, one of the biggest mistakes a manager can make is leaving people in positions for which they’re no longer suited. He uses a sports metaphor to explain his perspective during an interview for OWN’s “Super Soul Sunday.”. “The most important lesson I’ve learned in the role of CEO is to not leave the pitcher in the game for too long,” Weiner says. “You know, when you’re watching a baseball game, sometimes you’ll see a star pitcher on the mound, they’re having a great game and as the game continues to go on, you can see their arm starting to tire and you can see the opposing team start to hit the ball a little bit harder.”. Whenever this happens in baseball, the manager approaches the mound to check on the pitcher, who inevitably says some variation of: “I’m fine. I got this.” Weiner says the same thing happens in business. “In 20 years of managing people, not once has anyone ever come to me and said they couldn’t do their job. Not a single time,” he says. ...

Linkedin And Aviva Join To Hunt Down 2.5 Million Lost Pensions
Linkedin And Aviva Join To Hunt Down 2.5 Million Lost Pensions

... Happy 10 th birthday i Phone - the device that defined mobile computing. i Phone. It would take just 100 days for a zombie infection to decimate the world's population. The political forecast for 2017? Economic precarity and social division. How Spotify chooses what makes it onto your Discover Weekly playlist. 1 day ago. Hyundai's Click To Buy lets you purchase a new car on your phone in less than five minutes. The Nokia 6 will be the brand's first smartphone since 2014. Tuning out: Norway is about to become the first country to ditch FM radio. A 5,000 sq km glacier is about to break off Antarctica. Brixton Road in London has already breached its yearly air pollution limit. Air Pollution. Honda's concept Neu V car reads your emotions and could even make you money. CES 2017. Podcasts you need to listen to on your commute. The world is on the brink of having its first ever entirely cashless day. Motorsport invests in Formula E to boost the ...

Russia Is Erasing Linkedin From App Stores
Russia Is Erasing Linkedin From App Stores

... to a new report from The New York Times. In November, the service was ruled to be in violation of a 2014 law requiring all data collected on Russian citizens to be stored within Russian borders. Moving data within Russian borders has been widely viewed as a first step towards more aggressive surveillance measures, and many web companies have declined to relocate their data centers to comply with the law. Acquired by Microsoft last year , Linked In is the largest service to fall victim to the new law so far. Web access to Linked In was blocked in November through cooperation with the state telecom, but was still accessible to users with a VPN. The block caused serious problems for the mobile apps, but they remained available on i OS and Android app stores in the wake of that order. That has now changed, and the app is no longer available to download in either store. Apple drew fire earlier this week for withdrawing the New York Times app in China under similar pressure. China blocked web access to the Times in 2012. Gone from both app stores. While ...

How To Apply On Linkedin
How To Apply On Linkedin

... which are very thin and offer limited information. A candidate is responsive. Sometimes recruiters work odd hours and on weekends. When we reach out to a candidate, we are hoping for a quick response (within 24 hours or sooner).  With smart phones and other technological innovations, we expect job hunters to respond if we call or email them.  If a candidate takes several days to respond, that is a sign that this opportunity is not priority in their lives. The first impression is positive. The resume is well written and there are no typos. The same standards apply to a candidate’s Linked In profile. It should be well written and logical. Check out who you might know at the company.  A connection to the company may be helpful. Finally, sometimes hundreds of candidates apply to posted jobs.  It would be difficult to respond to every candidate.  If you feel like you are a well-qualified candidate, you can reach out to the recruiter listed on the posting.  However, there may be a reason why they haven’t ...

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