Martin Luther King Jr

Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration And Activities Start Tuesday Photos
Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration And Activities Start Tuesday Photos

... Justice and Peace Center at 1918 Union Ave. Nation of Islam leader Kevin Muhammad will moderate a community forum on the "People's Agenda" at the Eastdale Village Community Church at 7 p.m. Thursday. "It's a platform that comes from people in the community to tell elected officials exactly what they need rather than elected officials telling the people what they need," Muhammad said. "This comes directly from the people.". Ana Garcia-Ashley, who organized a grass-roots movement that helped more than 7,000 low-income families in Wisconsin buy affordable homes, will be the M. L. King Prayer Breakfast speaker on Jan. 14 at Second Missionary Baptist Church. Tickets are $25. "Martin Luther King's dream has not been realized and so what we are doing in Chattanooga and across the country is rededicating ourselves to his work," Garcia-Ashley said. Other local events include the city's 2017 MLK Day of Service. Volunteers may register online until 5 p.m. Wednesday or just gather on Glass Street at 8:30 a.m. Jan. 16 to make improvements to four Youth and Family Development Centers and fix up the Glass ...

Eureka Police Department To Co-sponsor Martin Luther King Jr. March With Local Chapter Of The Naacp
Eureka Police Department To Co-sponsor Martin Luther King Jr. March With Local Chapter Of The Naacp

... from the Eureka Police Department. On Monday, January 16, the Eureka Police Department and Eureka Branch of the NAACP will co-sponsor a march, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday. During Dr. King’s time, he led a number of marches to peacefully highlight issues that the nation was facing, giving an opportunity for people from various walks of life to demonstrate solidarity. People were able to speak, sing, cry and shout, until they felt their voices were heard, understood and valued. We face a time in our nation unlike any in recent memory. Numerous groups have taken Dr. King’s message around peaceful protest to promote the issues nearest and dearest to them. Whether the concerns surround faith, freedom, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, poverty, environment or educational reform, we stand together, united as one Eureka and one Humboldt County. A unified Humboldt is an issue that Chief Andy Mills of the Eureka ...

Free Concert At Fisk Honoring Martin Luther King Jr
Free Concert At Fisk Honoring Martin Luther King Jr

... on the historic Fisk University campus in North Nashville. The free event, which also includes a pre-concert reception, is being held in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and will also "highlight local unsung heroes of the civil rights movement," according to the organizers from Fisk, the Choral Arts Link, and the Intersection Contemporary Music Ensemble. The evening will start with a free reception from 5:30-6:45 p.m. at Fisk's Carl Van Vechten Art Gallery (where the wonderful Stieglitz collection is housed)  and then the concert will follow in the campus chapel. “The music of the time plays a vital role in the civil rights movement, and included spirituals and hymns that have evolved and continue through varying works of art into today’s soundtrack of the movement,” said Margaret Campbelle-Holman, executive director of CAL. “This program will connect generations by linking the soundtrack of the past to today and into tomorrow through Classical, Rap and Spoken Word and will highlight common themes that each generation shares,” she said. Performers include Intersection CME led by Kelly ...

Local Martin Luther King Observances Set
Local Martin Luther King Observances Set

... Luther King observances set. By JAMES BEATY MANAGING EDITOR. 2 hrs ago. Dr. Leroy Cole. KEVIN HARVISON | Staff photo Mayor John Browne, joined by members of the Pittsburg County Holiday Commission, signs a document proclaiming January 16 as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Day in Mc Alester. Pictured, front row from left, are Leo Thompson, Browne and Brenda Beed. Pictured, back row from left, are Miller Newman, Anthony Washington, Loise Washington, David Turner, Reginald Turner and Aniya Washington. Mayor John Browne has proclaimed January 16 as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Mc Alester, with a couple of earlier local observances to honor Dr. King set for this Friday and Saturday. In the proclamation, Mayor Browne urges all citizens to recognize January 16 as MLK Jr. Day by flying the American flag, ringing church bells at noon ...

Martin Luther King's Enduring Optimism Is A Tonic To Our Toxic Times
Martin Luther King's Enduring Optimism Is A Tonic To Our Toxic Times

... Cesar Chavez as a fellow leader in the fight for full equality, Trump has denounced Mexican immigrants as criminals. While King drew crucial support from Jewish Americans, Trump has drawn anti-Semites into his inner circle. While King's last great crusade was an effort to improve the economic standing of poor and working-class Americans of all races, Trump - despite his campaign pledges - is seeding his administration with rich men and women who disdain the poor. The president-elect ushers in a new post-Reconstruction period, a bitter retrenchment that figures to halt the progress the nation has made toward a more perfect union. It is no mere coincidence that Trump's election victory has led to so many recorded examples of racist tirades from his supporters. They have succeeded, in their view, in taking "their" country back from the citizens of color who dared believe it was their country, too. Yet, there is ...

Ymca To Hold 28th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast
Ymca To Hold 28th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast

... two winners of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Contest, sponsored by Investors Bank and the Monmouth County Chiefs of Police Association. High school students currently participating in programs at The Community YMCA or the Western Monmouth County YMCA are invited to enter the essay contest. Applications are available at __link__/MLK. The two winning essayists will each receive a $500 scholarship. The deadline for applications for the essay contest is Jan. 5. Submissions and questions may be sent via email to __link__. Smith was elected to serve as the president of the New Jersey State Conference of the NAACP in 2013 and was re-elected at the state convention in 2015 for another two-year term. A silver life member of the NAACP, Smith has served as the first vice president and the third vice president of the New Jersey state conference and as the southern region coordinator. He also served as the chairman of the NAACP Convention Planning Committee and seven terms as president of the NAACP Greater Vineland Branch No. 2115. He currently serves as one of seven commissioners on the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights and in 2013 was unanimously elected by his fellow ...

The Martin Luther King Jr. Pilgrimage To Israel That Never Was
The Martin Luther King Jr. Pilgrimage To Israel That Never Was

... s about a possible King visit. Martin Kramer, author of “The War on Error: Israel, Islam, and the Middle East,” wrote a post showing his own research into the pilgrimage. In the beginning, King was enthusiastic. Martin Kramer. The idea came from Reverend Sandy Ray, King’s friend who was a Baptist pastor from Brooklyn. King told the New York Times his trip would be a spiritual journey, unrelated to his activism in the United States. “I am first a minster of the Gospel,” he said. A flier for the event quoted the book of Numbers: “Come Thou With Us, and We Will Do Thee Good.”. But the war that broke out on June 5 put King in an odd position. He had hoped to glide above fraught Middle East politics. Instead, the battles forced him to take a stance. In just six days of fighting, Israel roundly defeated Egyptian, Jordanian, and Syrian forces and found itself in control of vast new stretches of territory, including the West Bank and the Sinai Peninsula. Israel was now seen by many as holding the upper hand, a military power occupying conquered land. Could a civil rights leader offer his tacit approval by visiting. “King was now being asked his opinion of ...

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