Playa Del Carmen

Five People Killed After Gunman Opens Fire At Blue Parrot Club In Cancun, Mexico
Five People Killed After Gunman Opens Fire At Blue Parrot Club In Cancun, Mexico

... club, and the lone female victim was apparently killed during the stampede. Shots were fired at Blue Parrot while we were in the building. We got out okay and are finding out more details. — ✌alerie (@valerie___lee) January 16, 2017. Pech said 15 people were injured, one seriously. He said five of the injured had been treated for less serious injuries at local hospitals and released. "We are overcome with grief over this senseless act of violence and we are cooperating fully with local law enforcement and government officials as they continue their investigation," BPM said in a statement posted on its Facebook page. Video footage uploaded to social media showed people running from the club and through the streets. A Scottish DJ playing at the festival, known as "Jackmaster", tweeted "Someone has come into the club in Playa Del Carmen and opened fire. 4-5 dead and many wounded". The Blue Parrot nightclub in Playa del Carmen, ...

Mexico Resort Shooting Kills 5, Including An American
Mexico Resort Shooting Kills 5, Including An American

... The Mexican victims were identified as Rafael Penaloza Vega and Geovanni Ruiz Murillo. The prosecutor's office said Ruiz Murillo was wearing a BPM shirt. Pech, the state attorney general, said a Mexican woman was seriously injured. He said eight of the injured were treated at hospitals for lesser injuries and released. The shooting occurred near the largest exit, setting off chaos as concert goers had to scramble over a metal fence to escape to the beach. Jeffrey Castelein, 33, a fork lift operator from Belgium, said he heard 15 to 20 shots before he and his friends leapt the fence. "At first we didn't realize, and then everybody fell down and you had to hide a little bit. And then we went out the back by the sea.". Pech said the shooter apparently tried to enter the nightclub about 2:30 a.m., but was denied access because he had a gun. He then began ...

Music Festival Shooter Was After One Person At Playa Del Carmen Event
Music Festival Shooter Was After One Person At Playa Del Carmen Event

... for the National Electoral Institute (INE) was described last year by opponents as. Max the little looter brings some levity. Viral stardom can be found in the strangest places. The latest star to rise to viral. Case of missing five drags on in Veracruz. One year after five young people — four men and a teenage girl — disappeared after. Border wall to begin next week, says Trump. United States president-elect Donald Trump told a press conference this morning that construction of a. Territorial conflicts: 4 dead, 1,000 displaced. Territorial conflicts in two regions of the state of Oaxaca left four fatalities and over. No fuel in Mexicali due to Pemex protest. A blockade at a Pemex terminal in La Rosita, Mexicali, is only 20-strong, but there’s. Cancer victim creates oncological shampoo. Who better to create a product for cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy than a cancer. Coatzacoalcos tunnel to ...

Toronto Bouncer Among Dead In Mexico Nightclub Shooting
Toronto Bouncer Among Dead In Mexico Nightclub Shooting

... Images). Mexican police agents patrol near a nightclub in Playa del Carmen, Quintana Ro state, Mexico where five people were killed during a music festival on Jan. 16, 2017. (STR/AFP/Getty Images). Mexican police agents, investigate at a nightclub near the beach in Playa del Carmen, Quintana Ro state, Mexico where five people were killed during a music festival on Jan. 16, 2017. (STR/AFP/Getty Images). Police guard the entrance of the Blue Parrot nightclub in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, Monday, Jan. 16, 2017. A deadly shooting occurred in the early morning hours outside the nightclub while it was hosting part of the BPM electronic music festival, according to police. (AP Photo). Police guard the exit of the Blue Parrot nightclub in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, Monday, Jan. 16, 2017. (AP Photo). THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. A tourist takes photos of the Blue Parrot nightclub, closed after a deadly shooting in Playa del ...

Five Dead In Playa Del Carmen Music Festival Nightclub Attack, Police Say
Five Dead In Playa Del Carmen Music Festival Nightclub Attack, Police Say

... dance floor to establish whether or not anything was going off that we needed to see and when we didn't see any fireworks we started thinking the worst," he said. "When we heard the pops were getting closer to us, we did our best to hit the deck as fast as we could, pull everybody down that was around us. "[There was] lots of screaming and lots of people were running around but we stayed put and as soon as we saw 30 or 40 people get out safely through the main exit, we decided to do a runner.". Mr Mullen said there were more than 2,000 people in the club at the time and many of them were Australians. "We had to go over a few of the victims just to get through the melee, there were people all exiting at once," he said. "One of the guys that was at the party with us administered first aid. "It's been such an amazingly wonderful festival. everybody is sad about the fact that the week has been blackened by such a violent act.". Video footage showed people running from the Blue Parrot club and ...

Tiroteo En Bar De Playa Del Carmen, Por Conflicto Personal
Tiroteo En Bar De Playa Del Carmen, Por Conflicto Personal

... conflicto personal entre dos personas, conllevó a que uno le disparara al otro, resaltó en un comunicado el gobernador de QRoo, Carlos Joaquín González. 16/01/2017 16:48  Heidy JM. PLAYA DEL CARMEN. El Gobernador de Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquín González, envió un mensaje tras los sucesos ocurridos en la jornada de clausura del Festival BPM, en la que se registró un ataque con armas de fuego, que dejó como saldo 5 muertos y 15 lesionados. A través de un comunicado el gobernador expresó. Hoy en la madrugada, Playa del Carmen, un destino turístico de clase mundial, que es rostro de bienvenida de México, se vio envuelto en un lamentable suceso que causó la muerte de cinco personas, algunos de ellos guardias de seguridad del evento y lesiones en 15 más. La intolerancia y el conflicto de intereses entre dos individuos, provocaron este hecho que nos llena de indignación.". El mandatario estatal lamentó que perdieran la vida los señores Kirk Wilson, Daniel Pessina, Rafael Antonio Peñaloza Vega y dos personas aún no identificadas, por lo que a nombre de la ...

Pursuitist Q&a With Agave Alchemist David Hernandez At Thompson Playa Del Carmen
Pursuitist Q&a With Agave Alchemist David Hernandez At Thompson Playa Del Carmen

... array of ingredients just within our culture what is not to love about any of the tastes? I personally invite you to sit at our bar for a journey through México and its agave culture through our cocktails. Does soil, fermentation and distillation all affect taste. Of course! remember we talked about comparing agave spirits to wine? Maestros Tequileros, Mezcaleros, etc… they all have a profound knowledge of their craft from their soil to their plants and so on. There’s a particular beauty to the soulful and artisan ways to produce these exceptional spirits, from the most rudimentary ways to the most up to date state of the art palenques (by the way a palenque is the place where these spirits are brought to life!). We could talk about soil quality, fermentation periods, distillation procedures all day long, at the end of the day the spirit itself will pass on to your palate the taste of centuries of craftsmanship. Does the type of barrel that it’s stored in matter. Yes. It directly influences the visual, aromatic, and flavor characteristics of the spirit. To keep it short and sweet and give ...

Sparatoria In Discoteca A Playa Del Carmen, Un Milanese Tra Le Cinque Vittime
Sparatoria In Discoteca A Playa Del Carmen, Un Milanese Tra Le Cinque Vittime

... raccolte sembra che la sparatoria, iniziata nel locale, sia proseguita lungo la 5 Avenida - la strada turistica per eccellenza gremita di ristoranti e negozi. Barbara Bottai, 35 anni, di Latina, si trovava proprio in un locale lungo questa strada a bere con altri due italiani conosciuti a Playa del Carmen quando all’improvviso ha raccontato di aver visto «una marea umana riversarsi per strada». L’italiana ha detto di aver pensato ad uno tsunami ma poi qualcuno ha gridato di buttarsi a terra e, ha raccontato, si sono uditi gli spari tra la folla che fuggiva. La paura per Barbara è stata tanta anche perché la polizia ha serrato le uscite dei vari locali per impedire alla gente di trovarsi in mezzo alla sparatoria. Solo più tardi è riuscita ad uscire da quell’inferno scavalcando una balconata insieme ad altri clienti. Italiani la maggior parte degli stranieri residenti. Playa del Carmen, sulla costa orientale della penisola dello Yucatan, è una delle più note località turistiche della cosiddetta Riviera Maya, che si affaccia sul Mare Caraibico nello stato messicano di Quintana Roo. A metà strada fra il turismo di massa di Cancun, più a Nord, e ...

Gunfire At Bpm Music Festival In Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
Gunfire At Bpm Music Festival In Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

... of their security team were killed. On Monday night, a spokesperson for DFAT said the Australian Embassy in Mexico was working to find out if any Australians were involved. "We are aware of reports of Australians in the area," the spokesperson said. "If you have any concerns for the welfare of family and friends in the region, you should attempt to contact them directly.". The shooting happened on the closing night of the BPM electronic music festival, where festivities at Blue Parrot were due to begin at 11 pm and go to 6 am. Australian DJ Danny Chien, better known as Wax Motif, wrote on Twitter that he watched the incident unfold. "It happened right in front of us. Still can't believe it was real," he said. "We all jumped the fence to get out and saw at least 4 bodies down on the escape.". Gunmen opened fire at Blue Parrot in Playa Del ...

5 Muertos Por Tiroteo Durante Un Festival De Música En Playa Del Carmen
5 Muertos Por Tiroteo Durante Un Festival De Música En Playa Del Carmen

... ya fueron dados de alta. Entre los heridos se encuentra una estadounidense de 29 años, confirmó la subdirectora del hospital Costa Med, la doctora Rosa María Barrón Licona. La especialista dijo que la mujer ya fue dada de alta. Entre los. Las primeras investigaciones revelan que una persona entró con una arma de fuego al club y el enfrentamiento se dio cuando otras dos personas, elementos de seguridad del evento, intentaron detenerla. Las autoridades descartaron que el incidente se trate de un ataque terrorista. Los organizadores del festival, que lamentaron los hechos en un comunicado publicado en su cuenta de Facebook, dijeron que entre los muertos había tres miembros de su equipo de seguridad. En el comunicado, anterior a la conferencia de las autoridades de Quintana Roo, se hablaba de cuatro muertos. "Escuchamos una ráfaga. parecía una metralleta". William Rogers dijo a CNN Español que se encontraba fuera del Blue Parrot, a punto de entrar, cuando escuchó una ráfaga a la entrada y la gente empezó a correr por las calles. “Alcance a ocultarme en un antro llamado Mándala que estaba permitiendo el acceso para ...

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