Rex Tillerson

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen Responds To Rex Tillerson's Confirmation Hearing
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen Responds To Rex Tillerson's Confirmation Hearing

... U. S.-Russia relations, Rex Tillerson was asked some tough questions from senators in both parties during his confirmation hearing. Tillerson, until recently, was CEO of Exxon Mobil. He had extensive business dealings with Russia, ones that some senators say would pose a conflict of interest if he's confirmed. Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire is a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, and she is with us now. Welcome to the program. JEANNE SHAHEEN: Thank you. Nice to be with you. MCEVERS: Thanks. You raised concern that Tillerson might be too soft on Russia given his business history, and today, Tillerson said he saw the value of U. S. sanctions on Russia even if they got in the way of Exxon Mobil's business deals. He says if confirmed as secretary of state, he'll have a, quote, "frank and open dialogue with Russia." Do you now believe he can be tough on Russia when it's in the U. S.'s interest. SHAHEEN: Well, I was a little concerned about his evasiveness on whether to pursue additional sanctions on Russia for their attacks in our election process. Yesterday, I, along with a number of other - my colleagues, including Senator Mc Cain and Senator ...

Tillerson Sets Up Clash With Beijing
Tillerson Sets Up Clash With Beijing

... reaffirm its commitment to Taiwan, which Beijing regards as a renegade province, but stopped short of Trump’s questioning of Washington’s long-standing policy on the issue. “I don’t know of any plans to alter the ‘one China’ position,” he said. Tillerson said he considered China’s South China Sea activity “extremely worrisome” and that it would be a threat to the “entire global economy” if Beijing were able to dictate access to the waterway, which is of strategic military importance and a major trade route. He blamed the current situation on what he termed an inadequate U. S. response. “The failure of a response has allowed them just to keep pushing the envelop on this,” Tillerson said. “The way we’ve got to deal with this is we’ve got to show back up in the region with our traditional allies in Southeast Asia,” he said. Democratic President Barack Obama’s administration conducted periodic air and naval patrols to assert the right of free navigation in the South China Sea. These have angered Beijing, but seeking to blockade China’s man-made islands would be a ...

Questions Senators Should Ask Rex Tillerson
Questions Senators Should Ask Rex Tillerson

... our “green financing” and emission reduction commitments are “voluntary” in the sense of being self-chosen and not enforceable in international tribunals, developed countries are bound to make increasingly “ambitious” emission-reduction pledges every five years, and honoring those “non-binding” commitments requires turning them into binding domestic laws and regulations. The Agreement is set up to pressure each administration and Congress to adopt increasingly aggressive restrictions on domestic energy production, transport, and use—and do so regardless of the policy preferences of future U. S. leaders and electorates. Under Paris, U. S. energy markets, policies, and infrastructure would be subject to a global political pressure regime in which most parties view America as an economic rival, cash cow, or both. Does Tillerson think such an arrangement would advance or hinder critical U. S. national interests. The Senate should also be concerned about the Paris Agreement’s potential adverse impact on global human welfare. Analysis by Stephen ...

Rex Tillerson Is Pushed On His Ties To Russia
Rex Tillerson Is Pushed On His Ties To Russia

... cloud his judgment. For example, he opposed sanctions against Russia when Washington and its European allies imposed penalties in response to Russia’s seizure of Crimea in Ukraine. Critics say the Texas oilman also has been slow to accept the science that blames global warming at least in part on human activities. Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that is scrutinizing Tillerson’s appointment, voiced full support for Tillerson. "We must also be clear-eyed about our relationship with Russia,” Tillerson said. “Russia today poses a danger, but it is not unpredictable in advancing its own interests.". Tillerson was introduced by two fellow Texans. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) praised Tillerson for his ability to lead the world’s largest oil company while maintaining a sense of humility. Tillerson “understands how to separate friendships and business,” ...

Rex Tillerson Faces Questioning In Confirmation Hearing For Secretary Of State
Rex Tillerson Faces Questioning In Confirmation Hearing For Secretary Of State

... vows change | 0:45. US President-elect Donald Trump nominated fierce Obamacare critic, Tom Price as health secretary, indicating he plans to fulfill a campaign promise to tear up the divisive healthcare reform law. Video provided by AFP Newslook. 31 of 59. TRUMP IN TRANSITIONPalin seems eager to win a spot in Trump's cabinet | 1:27. She shared a video touting her commitment to veterans after reports surfaced that she's being considered for secretary of Veterans Affairs. Newslook. 32 of 59. TRUMP IN TRANSITIONMnuchin: What we know about Trump's pick for Treasury | 0:52. Steven Mnuchin, a hedge fund manager and former Goldman Sachs executive, is President-elect Donald Trump's choice for Treasury secretary, a source told USA TODAY. Here is what we know about the 53-year-old. USA TODAY NETWORK. 33 of 59. TRUMP IN TRANSITIONWilbur Ross: A look at Trump's pick for Commerce secretary | 0:38. Donald Trump's pick for Commerce secretary is billionaire businessman Wilbur Ross. Here is what we know about the 'King of Bankruptcy.' USA TODAY NETWORK. 34 of 59. TRUMP IN ...

Senate Confirmation Hearings Enter Second Day With Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions, Elaine Chao
Senate Confirmation Hearings Enter Second Day With Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions, Elaine Chao

... compromising information on Trump, you know who else does? All of us." Meyers brought up Trump boasting at his press conference Wednesday that he turned down a $2 billion deal in Dubai just this past weekend, concluding: "He wants credit for not committing an impeachable offense!". Bee also made a joke about Trump not paying his bills, and she was similarly skeptical of the "golden shower" claim. "The only verifiable part of this report is how much joy it gave me," she said. "It also claims the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin, which would be a capital offense," she added, if anybody could stop talking about that other thing. "There's a high probability this story is bullsh-t," she said, "but the fact that it's plausible bullsh-t is a terrifying statement about what our nation has come to." The only good thing about Buzz Feed's journalistic malpractice, she said, is that maybe the juicy allegation "draws attention to the less delicious details about Russia manipulating our president." Watch below — if you don't mind crude humor. Peter Weber. 1:17 a.m. ET. "I wish circumstances were different and I ...

Rex Tillerson Pressed On Views On Russia Relations In Confirmation Hearing
Rex Tillerson Pressed On Views On Russia Relations In Confirmation Hearing

... including Russia. RACHEL MARTIN, HOST. President-elect Donald Trump's pick for secretary of state is getting some tough questions this morning about the U. S. relationship with Russia. It's part of Rex Tillerson's confirmation hearing. The hearing was already expected to be dominated by questions about Russia because of Tillerson's extensive business ties. He was the former CEO of Exxon Mobil. And all that was before unverified documents surfaced featuring claims of ties between Trump's presidential campaign and Russia. NPR congressional reporter Scott Detrow is following all of this, and he joins us from Capitol Hill. Good morning, Scott. SCOTT DETROW, BYLINE: Hey, Rachel. MARTIN: Give me the headline so far. What's going on. DETROW: Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia. The first two hours of this hearing ...

Rex Tillerson Questioned About Trump's Ties To Russia In Confirmation Hearing
Rex Tillerson Questioned About Trump's Ties To Russia In Confirmation Hearing

... to specifically target civilians, which is what's happened there through the Russian military. And you know, I find it discouraging - your inability to cite that which I think is globally accepted. KELEMEN: Tillerson says he will deal with the facts, and at the moment, he doesn't have information to make that determination. The plain-talking Texan seemed unflappable sitting silently each time environmental activists were dragged out of the hearing room. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING). UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Oil is dead, and people will not stop. Senators, be brave. Stop this man. KELEMEN: Tillerson wasn't making any promises that the U. S. would continue to abide by the Paris climate change agreement. But he says Trump has asked him for his views on that. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING). TILLERSON: The increase in the greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere are having an effect. Our ability to predict that effect is very limited. KELEMEN: Rex Tillerson spent his entire career at Exxon and is trained as an engineer. He ...

Secretary Of State Nominee Rex Tillerson Calls For 'full Review' Of Iran Nuclear Deal, Not Ripping It Up
Secretary Of State Nominee Rex Tillerson Calls For 'full Review' Of Iran Nuclear Deal, Not Ripping It Up

... nuclear watchdog, have not cited any significant violations by Iran since the deal was implemented last January. Tillerson also said he favored “empowering” women in the developing world. In December, the Trump transition team had raised concerns when it requested information on State Department staffing and budgets for foreign aid programs intended to help women and promote general equality. Many of the programs were begun when Hillary Clinton headed the State Department. Under questioning from the lone female member of the committee, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N. H.), Tillerson committed to continuing those programs, not rolling them back. Tillerson also was questioned about fears that the Trump administration would conduct a “witch hunt” of Obama-era officials who worked on programs aimed at reducing climate change. “That would be a pretty unhelpful way to get started,” Tillerson said, to laughter. Asked his personal views on climate change, Tillerson said his many years ...

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