Trump News

Trump's Boldest Campaign Promises Are Getting A Reality Check
Trump's Boldest Campaign Promises Are Getting A Reality Check

... a more staggered approach where they would pass repeal legislation now that would allow them as much as two years and perhaps more time to develop a replacement. “We need to do this right. We need to make sure there is a stable transition period so that people do not have the rug pulled out from under them,” House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said. “This is how we will keep our promise.”. The strategy is already in jeopardy. Resistance is growing among Republicans to take a first step toward repeal, approving a procedural budget package. The move had been expected later this week, but some lawmakers are worried that it will set a repeal in place before an alternative is ready. A preliminary whip count showed the budget vote was in trouble. President-elect Trump's first press conference: What's clear and what was left unsaid Jan. 11, 2017, 8:19 p.m. This is our look at President-elect Donald Trump's transition and the outgoing Obama administration: A breakdown of what Trump ...

Trump Says Pharma 'getting Away With Murder,' Stocks Slide
Trump Says Pharma 'getting Away With Murder,' Stocks Slide

... in 2015. Industry trade group Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, or Ph RMA President Stephen Ubl said "Medicines are purchased in a competitive marketplace where large, sophisticated purchasers aggressively negotiate lower prices.". He said the industry is "committed to working with President-elect Trump and Congress to improve American competitiveness and protect American jobs.". Roche Pharmaceuticals CEO Daniel O'Day said in an interview at a JPMorgan conference in San Francisco that Roche Holding AG (ROG. S) focuses on innovation and investing in research. Price increases over the past several years have been "responsible" and in the range of low to mid single digits, he said. At the same conference, Mylan CEO Heather Bresch said it was premature to respond to Trump's comments, when she was asked during an investor presentation. She said the industry should look again at how healthcare is set up as the government repeals the Affordable Care Act. ...

Trump Organization Handover Plan Slammed By Ethics Chief
Trump Organization Handover Plan Slammed By Ethics Chief

... foreign businesses. Professor Richard Painter, who was President George W Bush's chief ethics lawyer, stated frankly: "The plan we heard today does not comply with the law.". Professor Norman Eisen, who did the same job for President Obama, agreed with that and also offered an ominous forecast for the president-elect. "What Donald J Trump has done today is contrary to the most fundamental law of the United States of America," he said. "The emoluments clause is no minor feature of the constitution. So these conflicts of interest are core. I do not believe that any of the branches of government will stand for it.". The ethics agency director compared the Trump plan with what he characterised as secretary of state nominee Rex Tillerson's successful efforts to make a "clean break" from Exxon, where he was chairman and chief executive. "He clearly recognises that public service sometimes comes at a cost," Mr Shaub said of Mr Tillerson. Although presidents are not subject to the same conflict of interest rules as other government employees, previous commanders-in-chief ...

Trump Turned Down $2 Billion Deal With Beautiful Dubai Pal Sajwani
Trump Turned Down $2 Billion Deal With Beautiful Dubai Pal Sajwani

... areas like the Middle East. Sajwani brushes off those concerns. He says there's no reason to be worried about the nexus of his close relationship with the emir of Dubai and his financial links to the next occupant of the Oval Office. "I am not involved in any political issues or positions," Sajwani said. "My relation with my highness is purely as a citizen of this country.". But Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project for Government Oversight, a nonprofit accountability organization, said that, such assurances aside, Trump's international money-makers and his family's continued involvement in the company mean the new president "is going to have divided loyalties.". "He's now going to be pursuing U. S. foreign policy, with an eye to the fact that it may be impacting his ...

Now That Trump Has Spoken, This Is Where Traders Are Turning
Now That Trump Has Spoken, This Is Where Traders Are Turning

... that U. S. companies that manufacture goods overseas will pay a hefty tax when their goods are imported back across the border. "Basically, the market's movement today gives you an indication they're not going to be responding to his press conferences because he'll be saying some sensational things that might not reflect what's going to be done, and the focus should be more on the policy wonks, the ones that are structuring it and implementing it. If the market was paying attention to what he says, it would have fallen and it would have stayed down," Stovall said. Traders, meanwhile, have been waiting for earnings season to begin, after the stock market's big run since Election Day. Stovall said the earnings season could be better than expected. In fact, history is on its side. "Earnings are expected to be up more than 4 percent this quarter. In each of the last 19 quarters, the actual earnings beat estimated earnings by 3.5 percent. That means earnings are likely to be up closer to 7.5 percent," said Stovall. Banks are first to report, and financial stocks have risen about 17 percent since the election, on the prospect of higher interest rates and an easier regulatory ...

Of Course' We Won't Pay For Trump's Wall
Of Course' We Won't Pay For Trump's Wall

... with part of his signature campaign pledge - telling members of Congress that US taxpayers would pay for the border wall and not Mexico. But at his news conference on Wednesday, Trump vociferously denied these reports in part. Read More. "Reports went out last week, 'Oh, Mexico is not going to pay for the wall because of a reimbursement.' What's the difference? I want to get the wall started," Trump said. He said the US would move to build the wall quickly, using US money to fund the project at first before getting Mexico to reimburse the US. As for the mechanism he would use to force Mexico's hand, Trump was noncommittal outside of pledging it would indeed occur. "We're going to build a wall. I could wait about a year-and-a-half until we finish our negotiations with Mexico, which we'll start ...

Chao Coasting To Confirmation As Trump's Transportation Secretary
Chao Coasting To Confirmation As Trump's Transportation Secretary

... and endowments can invest, these partnerships must be incentivized with a bold, new vision," Chao says. Article continues after sponsorship. "This president has a bold vision," which Chao says will be announced soon after Trump takes office Jan. 20. During the campaign, Trump often criticized the state of the nation's transportation and urban infrastructure, and he promised to spend a trillion dollars repairing and expanding roads, bridges, railways, airports and other infrastructure. But experts question how much private financing many infrastructure projects can attract. Investors will only fund those projects that can generate a good return on that investment, such as roads and bridges that charge tolls. And Chao acknowledged as much during the hearing, saying "for [public-private partnerships] to be truly effective, there needs to be ...

Trump's Divestiture Is Hard, Pricy And Essential
Trump's Divestiture Is Hard, Pricy And Essential

... would have to be sold off in a fire sale. Ethics Expert: Trump's Efforts To Address Conflicts Are 'Baby Steps'. Nevertheless, that's what Schaub said needs to happen — both to completely safeguard against conflicts of interest, and to set an example. "The ethics program starts at the top — the signals a president sends [set] a tone across the executive branch," Schaub said, adding that "officials in any administration need their president to show ethics matters, not only through words but through deeds.". The ethics official pointed to the steps undertaken by Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson, whose separation from Exxon Mobil reportedly will cost the former CEO about $7 million. "Mr. Tillerson's making a clean break from Exxon," he said. "His ethics agreement serves as a sterling model for what we'd like to see with other nominees.". Unlike the president, Schaub said, Tillerson worked closely with the ethics office to create his divestment plan. And it's not just inside ...

Trump's Secretary Of State Pick Says China Should Be Barred From South China Sea Islands
Trump's Secretary Of State Pick Says China Should Be Barred From South China Sea Islands

... News | Thu Jan 12, 2017 | 4:16 am EST. Trump's secretary of state pick says China should be barred from South China Sea islands. FILE PHOTO - Chinese dredging vessels are purportedly seen in the waters around Mischief Reef in the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea in this still image from video taken by a P-8 A Poseidon surveillance aircraft provided by the United States Navy May 21, 2015. U. S. Navy/Handout via Reuters/File Photo. FILE PHOTO - An aerial photo taken though a glass window of a Philippine military plane shows the alleged on-going land reclamation by China on mischief reef in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, west of Palawan, Philippines, May 11, 2015. REUTERS/Ritchie B. Tongo/File Photo. Rex Tillerson, the former chairman and chief executive officer of Exxon Mobil, testifies before a Senate ...

Donald Trump's Colossal Error On Jobs During His Press Conference
Donald Trump's Colossal Error On Jobs During His Press Conference

... to school. (This number is 256,000 fewer than last year and 1.7 million fewer than the all-time high for the series in 2013.). Defining the size of the jobs problem in America is critical for the administration and the Federal Reserve to get economic and monetary policy right. If there is indeed a large cadre of Americans who want work but can't get it, it makes sense to have strong fiscal and monetary stimulus. If that number is shrinking, as the data suggest, it means much less policy is needed and too much could ignite inflation. Getty Images. President-elect Donald Trump speaks at a news cenference at Trump Tower on January 11, 2017 in New York City. A more charitable explanation for Trump would expand the number to include those people who are working part time because they can't find full-time work, all the unemployed and those marginally attached to ...

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