Trump Twitter

Trump’s Twitter On #goldenshowergate 4chan ‘fake News
Trump’s Twitter On #goldenshowergate 4chan ‘fake News

... side of things, which has terms like “ 4 chan golden shower ” trending on Twitter, tweets like the ones below are claiming that Russia had nothing to do with the leaked dossier published by Buzz Feed. The allegations are being blamed on 4 chan, which allegedly played a prank on the CIA with what some are claiming is a fake 35-page report about Trump, which included the passage about golden showers. ? BREAKING: Russia now joining in mocking the CIA for getting trolled by 4 chan #Golden Shower Gate __link__/rte FDsz U 2 V. — Project Purge ? (@_Project Purge) January 11, 2017. The allegations against Trump in what is being called a fake dossier included notions that Trump may have witnessed prostitutes giving each other golden showers, urinating on the bed slept in by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. Trump himself has come back against such allegations. Trump’s official Twitter account of published the following ...

Will Trump's Twitter Fixation Push Away His Defenders
Will Trump's Twitter Fixation Push Away His Defenders

... Trump’s Twitter addiction poses heretofore unnoticed challenges for his administration. The president-elect often emphasizes the value of being “unpredictable.” And he has a point — in certain contexts. Keeping our enemies guessing has advantages. Defenders of Trump’s habit of jabbing corporations about their offshoring decisions will tell you that Trump is “setting the tone from the top.” Since such decisions are often made with a narrow and subjective cost-benefit calculus, the argument goes, using tweets to encourage executives to err on the side of “America first” is a valuable way to change the business culture. Whether or not you like Trump’s economic reasoning, you can see why he likes keeping CEOs afraid of the crack of his Twitter whip. But what about his own appointees and allies in Congress. When I’ve talked to veterans of the Ronald Reagan administration, particularly from the speechwriting or policy shops, I’ve often heard a common observation. Knowing what the boss believed was both empowering and efficient. If you know a policy or a line in a speech will never fly with the ...

Trump’s Fondness For Twitter No Help To The Company
Trump’s Fondness For Twitter No Help To The Company

... most companies like to brag about, especially when they want to woo advertisers. Twitter seems to have recognized this, making deals with the likes of the National Football League to broadcast football games and other, more advertiser-friendly fare, on mobile apps and Internet-connected TVs. But those deals can’t change the short, text-focused nature of Twitter’s core service. It doesn’t seem likely that Trump would arrange to stream White House press briefings on Twitter, as fond as he is of tweeting. Twitter is not alone in facing this problem. Plenty of people use the online discussion service Reddit to chat about news. But Reddit can’t find a way to make money, because it, too, suffers from severe trolling. There are certainly trolls on Facebook. But users can better control their experience. And the social network is better known as a place where friends and family swap news, videos and photos than one where you exchange taunts and insults with complete strangers. “It doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots of a rise in abuse on Twitter — both its quantity and savagery,” Umair Haque, director of Havas Media Labs, recently wrote in the Harvard ...

Twitter Deleting Donald Trump’s Account Over ‘racist And Divisive Rhetoric’ Is A Hoax
Twitter Deleting Donald Trump’s Account Over ‘racist And Divisive Rhetoric’ Is A Hoax

... being used as Twitter’s hotline, in addition to phony names. They also suggest that Trump had already set up a new Twitter account, however, is still very much active on the @real Donald Trump handle. In his latest Twitter tirade, Trump criticized fake news as “a political witch hunt” after Buzz Feed published unverifiable claims regarding Trump’s connections to Russia. Russia just said the unverified report paid for by political opponents is "A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE." Very unfair. — Donald J. Trump (@real Donald Trump) January 11, 2017. Though Twitter could suspend Trump based on their rules of conduct, the repercussions of censoring him would more than likely outweigh any good. “Until it creates a better anti-trolling regime, suspending the president-elect’s account for the sort of messages he has posted so far would look unfairly partisan, and could well raise more trouble for Twitter, and the world, than it solves,” the New York Times wrote last month. Despite the report being entirely fictitious, as Snopes reported, social media users shared the news—both in support of and against the ...

A Demagogue For The Age Of Social Media
A Demagogue For The Age Of Social Media

... “fireside chats,” actually wrote speeches for radio, wrote shorter speeches, wrote speeches using colloquial language, made them very policy-specific. He perceived of the whole project as a radio project. That’s, I think, what was different. How does the perception that Trump isn’t focus-testing his communication change how it’s received? Do you think it’s permanently changed how presidents will communicate/altered conventional understanding of presidential decorum. I have a lot in my book about “authenticity.” This is kind of a bullshit word, because it’s used to mean a lot of different things. But since Theodore Roosevelt — and even more so, I’d say, since Jimmy Carter — we’ve put a premium on politicians and political speech and behavior that seems genuine, heartfelt, honest, and reflective of who the person really is. People are fed up with a lot of different aspects of politics, from the failure to get stuff done to the failure to speak plainly. Trump harnessed his unfiltered, shoot-from-the-hip style to a message that was also about change and shaking up Washington (Obama had done the same in 2008; Mc ...

Are We Living In Nazi Germany
Are We Living In Nazi Germany

... and has not been verified by intelligence agencies, two U. S. officials told NBC News. Those sources did not comment to NBC about the nature of the allegations. On Twitter, Trump called the reports "unfair" and said, "Russia has never tried to use leverage over me." Trump claimed that he has "no deals, no loans, no nothing" with Russia, an assertion that is difficult to verify because he has not released his tax returns, unlike every president since Jimmy Carter. He argued that political opponents "try to belittle" his electoral victory. Trump asked, "Are we living in Nazi Germany?". Trump continued: Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me. Are we living in Nazi Germany. Trump's business ties to Russia are not entirely clear. In 2008, his son Donald Trump Jr. suggested that the Trump businesses have ...

Kerry Warns Trump Against Abusing Twitter
Kerry Warns Trump Against Abusing Twitter

... of the global dangers of a fact-free world the billionaire businessman has helped create. “One of the greatest challenges we all face right now, not just America but every country in the world, is we are living in a fact-less political environment,” he said. “And every country in the world better stop and start worrying about authoritarian populism and the absence of substance in our dialogue, if you call it that.”. The State Department chief noted the “long, well-defined history of what happens when you have economic fear and pressure, and a level of exploitation of those fears, coupled with sectarian or ethnic exploitation and a kind of simplistic, sloganeering politics.”. By Nolan D. Mc Caskill. With hard-line positions on trade and immigration and his ubiquitous “Make America great again” slogan, Trump has advocated an “America first” foreign policy approach that the president-elect says will bring back American jobs. He has seized on the terror threats the world faces and promised to make America safe by ...

Kellyanne Conway Defends Trump's Twitter Use As A 'free' Way To Share Information
Kellyanne Conway Defends Trump's Twitter Use As A 'free' Way To Share Information

... him. The press doesn’t like it because he does an end run around them, and it’s the democratization of information. You don’t have to wait for some journalist, some anti-Trump journalist to curate the information and bias it.”. Watch the entire exchange above. Also on Huff Post. What You Can Do Right Now To Stop Donald Trump's Dangerous Climate Agenda. Strengthen city, county and state climate efforts. If the federal government refuses to stand up against climate change, it’ll be more important than ever for cities, counties and states to pick up the slack and become climate leaders. That means committing to divest from fossil fuels, embrace clean energy, set emissions targets and develop climate action plans , among other measures. “The ominous signals coming out of D. C. point to even more work needed at the city and state level,” said Kate Kiely, national media deputy director at the Natural Resources Defense Council. In November, the NRDC announced partnerships with 20 cities across the country from St. Paul, Minnesota, to Houston, Texas, to make strides in renewable energy. ...

Trump's Twitter Bully Pulpit Has Automakers On Edge
Trump's Twitter Bully Pulpit Has Automakers On Edge

... through speeches or press releases or interviews. But I think Twitter gives the president-elect two unique advantages over traditional media approaches. First, Twitter not only gives Trump message control but it also makes him more relatable. The way he uses it to troll and bully is relatable to a lot of Americans, because a lot of people use Twitter to bully and troll as a way of feeling as if they have some kind of control over their lives. Trump is probably doing it for the same reason: For all his power, he can't control the media, and his tweets clearly reflect his frustration with that state of affairs. Second, Trump obviously doesn't have a clear policy here. If he tried to get reporters to write a story about his bashing automakers for Mexico plans, the journalists would likely ask a lot of questions and bring up a lot of annoying context, some of which might mitigate his message. On Twitter, the message is direct, and when reporters start trying to fact-check him on the intricacies of trade relations he just moves on to the next tweet and the next topic. These advantages are balanced by troubling trade-offs. In particular, ...

A Look Inside His Twitter Following
A Look Inside His Twitter Following

... is about 320 million people. (Heather Wilhelm). That's 14 percent of the American public Trump could reach via social media. That's a tiny America. Now let's actually add up Trump's current followers on Twitter and Instagram, likes on Facebook and subscribers on his You Tube channel. The total is about 41.1 million, not, as Spicer said, "45-plus million.". Also, you'll note I don't qualify that number as "41.1 million people" or "41.1 million Americans." That's because it's neither. One of the key flaws in Spicer's math is that it's treating Trump's followers on each social media platform as unique. But any social media user will tell you that if they like someone on Facebook, they may also follow that person on Twitter and Instagram. So there are an unknown number of people in that total who are being counted two, three or even four times. More importantly, it's unclear how many of Trump's social media devotees are American. Twitter reports on its ...

Two-thirds Of American Voters Want Trump To Dump His Twitter Account
Two-thirds Of American Voters Want Trump To Dump His Twitter Account

... of American voters agree that Trump should get rid of his personal Twitter account. In the  Quinnipiac University poll  released Tuesday, 64 percent of American voters said they think Trump should "close his personal Twitter account" when he takes office. And 32 percent of voters said he should keep his account. Eighty percent of Democrats polled said Trump should dump his account. Sixty-five percent of Independents agreed the president-elect should stop using his personal account. But Republicans seem to be more split on the issue. Forty-nine percent of those in Trump's party said he should keep his account. Forty-five percent think he should shutter it. The margin of error in the poll is 3.3 percent. Perhaps that's because Twitter was a valuable tool for Trump and his team during the campaign. It allowed Trump to immediately reach his over 15 million followers at the time. And it allowed  ...

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