Barbara Bush

Bush Library Evolves As Cypress-area Community Hub After 40 Years
Bush Library Evolves As Cypress-area Community Hub After 40 Years

... The goal of the Barbara Bush Library Friends is to enrich the cultural opportunities available to residents of the Cypress Creek area. Members of the group are active volunteers that raise money for the library through book sales, membership dues, volunteer-sponsored programs, sales of T-shirts, book bags, and other memorabilia. The money raised for the library provides resources for additional programs, special events, new equipment, and reading programs for children, teens, and adults. "Having a library in the community provides the residents with a sense of ownership and empowerment. Libraries serve as a public gathering space for free and equal access to information and lifelong learning," Melton said. "Community Libraries improve the quality of life, promote literacy and learning, and provide access to resources and technology that may not be available elsewhere in the community. The Barbara Bush Library thrives because of the ...

Barbara Bush ‘enthusiastically Endorsing Betsy Devos’ As Next Education Chief
Barbara Bush ‘enthusiastically Endorsing Betsy Devos’ As Next Education Chief

... Chief. by Dr. Susan Berry 13 Jan 2017 0. 13 Jan, 2017. SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER. Former First Lady Barbara Bush says she is “enthusiastically endorsing Betsy De Vos to be our next secretary of education.”. In a column Friday at the Portland Press Herald, Bush cites “a real compassion for children and a proven record of championing reforms to improve literacy and learning” as reasons for her support of De Vos. SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER. Bush, who is the founder of the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, writes, “We need more leaders like Betsy De Vos who understand the stakes involved” with the high illiteracy rate in the United States. She continues. Betsy De Vos has helped pass reforms to drive gains in literacy. The Great Lakes Education Project she founded in Michigan was instrumental in passing a comprehensive reading law last year that provides extra tutoring to struggling students and other intervention strategies to ensure that kids are leaving third grade with the literacy skills they will need to succeed in ...

Barbara Bush And Filmmaker Andrew Jenks Enjoy A Date Night
Barbara Bush And Filmmaker Andrew Jenks Enjoy A Date Night

... at MSG. (JD Images/REX/Shutterstock/JD Images/REX/Shutterstock). NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. Monday, December 19, 2016, 4:00 PM. Filmmaker Andrew Jenks and former first daughter Barbara Bush have found themselves under the mistletoe this holiday season, according to sources sounding the new couple alert. Confidential has learned that the “All-American Family” director has been spending quality time with the 35-year-old Bush twin, which included a movie premiere on Sunday night and a hockey game the previous weekend. Jenks had been linked to “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” actress Brittany Snow around Christmastime last year, but our insider says that relationship has thawed. “Jenks broke up with Brittany and although they remain friends, he is now dating Barbara Bush Jr.,” says a showbiz insider, who praises Jenks’ taste in women. “She is a freakin' doll,” our insider says of Bush. ...

George H.w. And Barbara Bush Celebrate 72 Years Of Marriage
George H.w. And Barbara Bush Celebrate 72 Years Of Marriage

... through to see photos of the Bush family through the years. PHOTOS: The Bush family through the years. George H. W. and Barbara Bush tied the knot as World War II raged in the European and Pacific theaters. Click through to see photos of the Bush family through the. . more. Image 2 of 39. On Sunday, June 7, 2015 the Bush family gathered at their Maine compound to celebrate Barbara Bush's 90 th birthday. (Photo: Begala/Mc Grath). See more photos of the Bush family through the years. On Sunday, June 7, 2015 the Bush family gathered at their Maine compound to celebrate Barbara Bush's 90 th birthday. (Photo: Begala/Mc Grath). See more photos of the Bush family through the years. Image 3 of 39. The Bush Family through the years. See the evolution of an American political dynasty with these intimate early family-centric photos of the Bush clan. The Bush Family through the years. See the evolution of an American political dynasty with these intimate early family-centric photos of the Bush clan. Photo: Dirck Halstead, Getty Images. Image 4 of 39. Vice Pres. Bush (3 R) w. his family (L-R) wife of son ...

Jimmy Carter Is The Only Former President Coming To Trump's Inauguration So Far
Jimmy Carter Is The Only Former President Coming To Trump's Inauguration So Far

... President Jimmy Carter is currently the only former president who has agreed to attend Trump’s inauguration, an event which is typically attended by all living former presidents. President Obama will almost certainly be there. It would be a huge break from precedent for the most recent President to skip the inauguration (although it’s happened before ,) and would be at odds with the Obamas’ stated intention to help the incoming administration. Since 1889, the outgoing President has hosted the incoming President on inauguration day. But the Bushes and the Clintons have been putting off a decision on whether to attend the inauguration of a man who has publicly mocked Jeb Bush and ran a highly personal campaign against opponent Hillary Clinton. Trump mocked primary opponent Jeb Bush for running an ad featuring his mother, Barbara Bush, saying Jeb “needed mommy to help him.” He flatly accused former president George W. Bush of lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He repeatedly bullied Jeb Bush as “low energy” ...

Health Care Should Not Be Political
Health Care Should Not Be Political

... what has gone well or new models that are effective in other countries,” Bush tells Business Insider. Bush says many fellows who come to work in the US from other countries are surprised by the systemic problems they encounter in poor urban areas. However, she doesn’t believe that figuring out how to serve people who fall through the cracks should be considered a political act. It's an approach that differs from much of the current conversation around health care in the US — given Republican opposition to the Affordable Care Act (President-elect Donald Trump promised to repeal the law), many aspects of the American health care system have become enmeshed in partisan politics. Bush says that’s the wrong way to approach the conversation. “I think it's interesting that health is political, because I don't think it should be,” she says. “It's such a basic need for every human to be able to live a full life.”. Bush says she sees two major problems with the US health care system. First, many people don’t have access to health care, whether that’s because they have ...

Jenna & Barbara Bush Write Heartfelt Open Letter To Malia & Sasha Obama
Jenna & Barbara Bush Write Heartfelt Open Letter To Malia & Sasha Obama

... engagement and a honeymoon. We know it wasn’t always easy—the two of you and the two of us were teenagers trailed by men in backpacks—but they put their lives on hold for us. Enjoy college. As most of the world knows, we did. And you won’t have the weight of the world on your young shoulders anymore. Explore your passions. Learn who you are. Make mistakes—you are allowed to. Continue to surround yourself with loyal friends who know you, adore you and will fiercely protect you. Those who judge you don’t love you, and their voices shouldn’t hold weight. Rather, it’s your own hearts that matter. Take all that you have seen, the people you have met, the lessons you have learned, and let that help guide you in making positive change. We have no doubt you will. Traveling with our parents taught us more than any class could. It opened our eyes to new ...

Quand Les Filles Bush Conseillent Les Filles Obama
Quand Les Filles Bush Conseillent Les Filles Obama

... traveling to Florida's Gulf Coast this weekend for a family trip intended to show solidarity with a region struggling in the wake of a massive oil spill. AFP PHOTO/Nicholas KAMM (Photo credit should read NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images). PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL - AUGUST 15: (AFP OUT) U. S. President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and daughter Sasha watch dolphins as they tour St Andrews Bay on the Bay Point Lady August 15, 2010 In Panama City Beach, Florida. The First Family is visiting the area to help promote tourism and check up on cleanup efforts from the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon Oil spill. (Photo by Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images). US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama along with their daughter Sasha make their way to board Air Force August 15, 2010 before departing from Tyndall Air Force Base in Panama ...

Jenna Hager Und Barbara Bush Schreiben An Malia Und Sasha Obama
Jenna Hager Und Barbara Bush Schreiben An Malia Und Sasha Obama

... die halbe Welt weiß“. „Diejenigen, die euch verurteilen, lieben euch nicht“. Mit dem Auszug aus dem Weißen Haus würden die Obama-Mädchen zwar endlich nicht mehr das Gewicht der Welt auf den Schultern spüren, aber Malia und Sasha sollten trotzdem Lehren aus dieser Zeit ziehen. Sie sollten ihre Erfahrungen, die sie auf den Reisen mit ihren Eltern gemacht hätten, dafür nutzen, die Welt positiv zu verändern und sich für andere einzusetzen. Obamas Überraschung rührt Joe Biden zu Tränen. „Der beste Vizepräsident, den wir je hatten“: Barack Obama ehrt seinen Vizepräsidenten mit der höchsten zivilen Auszeichnung der USA. Joe Biden - sichtlich überrascht - konnte die Tränen der Rührung nicht zurück halten. Quelle: Die Welt/ Sarah Widter. Wichtig sei auch die Wahl der Menschen, mit denen sich die Obama-Töchter nun umgeben: Niemals sollten ...

George H.w. Bush And Barbara Bush Celebrate 72nd Anniversary
George H.w. Bush And Barbara Bush Celebrate 72nd Anniversary

... on to have six children ― four sons including George , Jeb, Neil and Marvin and two daughters Dorothy and Robin, who died at age three of leukemia. Seventy years ago this very day, Barbara Pierce of Rye, NY made me the happiest, and luckiest, man on earth. __link__/rg Zqp L 9 Xf E. — George Bush (@George HWBush) January 6, 2015. The couple’s story first began in 1941 when they met at a Christmas dance in Greenwich, Connecticut. Bob Levey via Getty Images. The Bushes are celebrating 72 years of marriage this year. In a 1994 love letter , George wrote to his beloved wife, “I was very happy on that day in 1945, but I’m even happier today. You give me joy that few men know. I’ve climbed perhaps the highest mountain in the world, but even that cannot hold a candle to being Barbara’s husband.”. May this year be the couple’s happiest one yet. CLARIFICATION: This article previously stated that ...

Bush Twins Write Touching Letter To President Obama's Daughters
Bush Twins Write Touching Letter To President Obama's Daughters

... When Malia and Sasha Obama first arrived at the White House, they may have relied on the advice of their predecessors — another pair of sisters who knew a thing or two about growing up at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Back then, Jenna and Barbara Bush penned a letter offering advice for the young Obama girls as their father took over the Oval Office. Eight years later, the twin daughters of President George W. Bush have once again reached out to the Obama sisters, this time offering advice on another transition very few in the world ever make: leaving the White House and moving on to civilian life. “In eight years, you have done so much. Seen so much,” the Bush sisters write, noting Malia and Sasha’s meeting with Nelson Mandela in the cell where he was imprisoned for decades, as well as trips with their mother to Liberia and Morocco to speak with girls about the importance of education. “Now you are about to join another rarified club, one of former First-Children — a position you didn’t seek and one with no guidelines. But you have so much to look forward to. You will be writing the story of your lives, beyond the ...

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