Eddie Long

Bishop Eddie Long Tells Church He's Ignoring Their Calls Because People Are Asking Too Many Questions
Bishop Eddie Long Tells Church He's Ignoring Their Calls Because People Are Asking Too Many Questions

... New Birth Missionary Baptist Church)Eddie Long, 63 (L), senior pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, Georgia, returns to his congregation after another brief absence on December 11, 2016. Long, whose career has been dogged by allegations  stemming from lawsuits filed by multiple men who say he engaged them in sexual acts, sparked further chatter last summer when he revealed an unusually thin frame which he claimed was the result of a vegan diet. Weeks later, after rumors emerged that he had collapsed at his church and was gravely ill, Long released a statement saying he was suffering from a "health challenge" but has refused to say what it is, calling for privacy. "I am recovering from a health challenge that I trust God to deliver me from. It is unrelated to the eating for life diet consisting of mostly raw vegetables that I am continuing, as part of a holistic approach to good health," he said in a statement to The Christian Post last September. "At this ...

Atlanta Megachurch Pastor Bishop Eddie Long Dies At 63
Atlanta Megachurch Pastor Bishop Eddie Long Dies At 63

... his character and spoke to his integrity and credibility as a minister. And so I believe that those allegations were a singular contributor to the demise of the New Birth ministry under Bishop Long. MARTIN: How will you teach about Bishop Long's ministry going forward. LEE: Bishop Long's ministry, although, it did a lot of good - let me be very clear when I say that there were a lot of moments of positive ministry moments where lives were changed in terms of social-economic standing - but the way in which that ministry took place was an emphasis on personal piety, holiness and not much the prophetic witness against injustices in the broader society. And so in the African-American church, Eddie Long is one of those kinds of figures that is worth examining as a tipping point in the way in ...

Ellen’ Boots Anti-gay Pastor, Singer Who Referenced Georgia Bishop Eddie Long In Sermon
Ellen’ Boots Anti-gay Pastor, Singer Who Referenced Georgia Bishop Eddie Long In Sermon

... appear on this week's "Ellen" episode. (Photo via Facebook). ‘Ellen’ boots anti-gay pastor, singer who referenced Georgia Bishop Eddie Long in sermon. Atlanta , Culture , National , News , Today in Gay Atlanta , TV , TV. Gospel singer and pastor Kim Burrell, who was scheduled to appear alongside Pharrell Williams on tomorrow’s episode of “Ellen,” was removed from the line-up after an anti-LGBT sermon she preached in Houston, Texas, circulated online. Burrell referred to “that perverted homosexual spirit” in her sermon, which also encouraged her cheering audience to “spit on” homosexuals that “say you got to love everybody.”. She also said Eddie Long, senior pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, was “an embarrassment to the Church” because of his rumored homosexuality. Long was previously accused by four former members of his congregation of engaging them in sexual acts as teenagers. A number of “Ellen” fans and ...

Attack On My Friend Bishop Long Is Unwarranted
Attack On My Friend Bishop Long Is Unwarranted

... Long Returns to Church After Hospice Rumors, Church Sings 'I Got the Victory'. "That perverted homosexual spirit is a spirit of delusion and confusion and it has deceived many men and women. And it has caused a stain on the body of Christ. And those homosexual spirits have been angry and they come up against you [saying] 'you gotta love everybody.' Sit down you serpent.". "You cannot give instructions to God's holiness with that much perversion. You, as a man, would open your mouth and take a man's penis in your face? You are perverted and you better not tell me, thus saith the Lord. You are perverted," she admonished. "You are a woman that would shake your face in another woman's breasts? You are perverted, and its coming into our church and it has embarrassed the Kingdom of God.". Burrell took to Facebook  Live in a ...

Bishop Eddie Long's Accusers Speak Out, Sort Of
Bishop Eddie Long's Accusers Speak Out, Sort Of

... accusers — four young men, all in their mid-to-late-20 s now — thought about the charismatic pastor’s legacy. “We’ve been hearing from people from all walks of life — the media, celebrities, gospel singers — wanting to hear what we think,” said Spencer Le Grande, one of four former New Birth Missionary Baptist Church members who filed suit against Long in 2010. A fifth accuser, Centino Kemp, came forward as the lawsuit entered a mediation process. An undisclosed financial settlement was reached soon after. Le Grande, now living Charlotte where he co-owns a thriving sneaker cleaning company, and two of the plaintiffs, Maurice Robinson and Anthony Flagg, told The AJC Sunday that when the time is right, they’ll have their say. “As much as we’d like to make a statement about the passing of Bishop Eddie Long, we’ve all decided to remain silent, for now,” Long’s accusers said in a joint response given exclusively to The AJC. They said Jamal Parris, the fourth former New Birth member to sue Long, also consented to the statement. “We’re all brothers in ...

Gospel Icon Kim Burrell Says Eddie Long, Andrew Caldwell And 'perverted Homosexual Spirit' Embarrassing Church
Gospel Icon Kim Burrell Says Eddie Long, Andrew Caldwell And 'perverted Homosexual Spirit' Embarrassing Church

... hosted by one of show business' most prominent lesbians, Ellen De Generes, has come under serious fire from critics whom she says are twisting her words. "I never said that all gays were going to Hell. That never came out of my mouth. Y'all quit spreading that. And if you're gonna listen to the video, listen right, it's not of my nature, natural or spiritual," she told critics in a series of videos on Facebook. Free sign up cp newsletter. Sign up. Bishop Eddie Long Returns to Church After Rumors of Treatment in Mexico. "I was addressing church people, and let's get specific, ones who were in my church," Burrell said matter-of-factly. "My church where I pastor and that's what's so demonic about all of this. "We're not in a war against flesh and blood. We are not in a war with that. I care about God's creation and every person from the LGBT and everything else, any other kind ...

Controversial Megachurch Pastor Bishop Eddie Long Dies At Age 63
Controversial Megachurch Pastor Bishop Eddie Long Dies At Age 63

... revolutionary mind changer.". "Although his transition leaves a void for those of us who loved him dearly, we can celebrate and be happy for him, knowing he's at peace," his wife Vanessa Long said in the statement. At its peak New Birth Missionary Baptist Church had about 25,000 members. But Long had a controversial past. In 2010, he and his church settled a lawsuit filed by four young men who accused him of pressuring them into sexual relationships while they were teenagers and members of his congregation. Long, who preached passionately against homosexuality for years, denied the allegations. In 2011, Vanessa Long filed for divorce. Shortly afterward, Long told his followers he was taking some time off to work on his marriage. "I do want you to know that this is, for me and my family, especially with me, one of the most difficult times and things I've had to face, and only because my strength, other than God, is in Miss Vanessa," he said at the time. "And I want you to rest assured that I love her and she loves me. In all the things that I've ever had to deal with and being pastor, my rock has been to be able to ...

Bishop Eddie Long Returns To New Birth Church During Holidays
Bishop Eddie Long Returns To New Birth Church During Holidays

... “I’ve been on a journey and just recalibrating myself,”  Long said in an October video , which was posted on You Tube on by Miz Justice. “And like I said, I had some health issues and God has healed me. The manifestation is coming through and we stand in that.”. During a New Year’s Eve service last week, he told the congregation that God is already working in their favor. “What you been praying about is already manifested,” he said. He mentioned several times that the devil wanted him to stay at home and not come to church that night. The devil, he said, asked him “why you going to church? You need to rest. You’re in recovery. I said, let me tell you something. I said if I was going for my ego, I’d lay here. If I was going trying to prove something, I’d lay here. I said God ain’t through with me and sometimes you need to see the skinny Eddie and the big Eddie and ...

Controversial Megachurch Pastor Eddie Long Dies At 63
Controversial Megachurch Pastor Eddie Long Dies At 63

... by four young men who said he pressured them into sexual relationships. He was a man who wore tight muscle shirts and radiated self-confidence but used to throw up before sermons because he was so nervous. Read More. He was a man who gave away cars and paid the college tuition of needy people, but he also was investigated by Congress after a charity he created had provided him with a million-dollar home and a Bentley luxury car. "When he spoke, black people all over the country listened to him," said Shayne Lee, a sociologist who studies the black Pentecostal church. "He was part of the repackaging of Christianity for post-civil rights African-Americans.". Long's wife, who stood by him through his rise and fall from national fame, released a statement. "Although his transition leaves a void for those of us who loved him dearly, we can ...

Sometimes You Need To See The Skinny Eddie
Sometimes You Need To See The Skinny Eddie

... Jan 7, 2017 | 1:32 PM. To view this video please enable Java Script, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML 5 video. Looking more lethargic and emaciated in recent days, controversial megachurch Pastor Eddie Long, who some members of the public have placed on a death watch due to his undisclosed "health challenge," is clinging to life and healing with faith, declaring to his congregation in a New Year's Eve message that "God ain't through with me.". (Photo: Instagram/New Birth Missionary Baptist Church/Eddie Long)Pastor Bishop Eddie Long addresses congregants of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, Georgia, August 14, 2016. "I said God ain't through with me and sometimes you need to see the skinny Eddie and the big Eddie, and all that. It ain't got nothing to do with physical appearance, it's what's in your heart. You are a Scripture. I want to see you struggle. I want to see you fight the devil and get victory," the preacher declared, ...

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