Azure Window

Malta's Landmark 'azure Window' Rock Formation Collapses
Malta's Landmark 'azure Window' Rock Formation Collapses

... Maltese natural rock arch has collapsed into the sea during a powerful storm. The "Azure Window" jutting off Malta's Gozo Island is printed on innumerable Instagram posts and travel brochures. It was also featured in movies and TV shows, including HBO's Game of Thrones. Local resident Roger Chessell was there when the iconic arch collapsed. "There was a big raging sea beneath the window," he told the Times of Malta. "Suddenly, the arch collapsed into the sea with a loud whoomph, throwing up a huge spray. By the time the spray had faded, the stack had gone too.". Iconic Sequoia 'Tunnel Tree' Brought Down By California Storm. Malta's Prime Minister Joseph Muscat called the news "heartbreaking.". "Reports commissioned over the years indicated that this landmark would be hard hit by unavoidable natural corrosion," he said on Twitter. "That sad day has arrived.". In 2013, a study said that the rock formation would inevitably collapse but that it would "likely survive for 'decades' to come," the Times of Malta reported. ...

L'azure Window Crolla In Mare, Distrutto Il Simbolo Del Paese Gallery
L'azure Window Crolla In Mare, Distrutto Il Simbolo Del Paese Gallery

... di Malta. Queste gigantesche ondate di “mare vivo”, create dagli impetuosi venti da O-NO e NO che si sono “canalizzati” all’interno del Canale di Sicilia, fra le coste della Sicilia meridionale e quelle tunisine, rompendosi con grande impeto lungo le alte scogliere rocciose di Malta e della vicina isola di Gozo, hanno creato notevoli danni. Tanto da causare, in mattinata, il crollo della famosissima “Azure Window”, nota anche come “Tieqa tad-Dwejra”, il suggestivo arco di roccia sospeso sul mare dell’isola minore di Gozo. La notizia del crollo è stata data su twitter dallo stesso premier maltese, Joseph Muscat, rammaricato per la perdita di quello che era uno dei simboli più importanti per l’isola di Malta, e non solo. Stavolta la meravigliosa arcata naturale non ha retto alla furia delle grandi onde, collassando definitivamente in mare. Un testimone, ...

Before The Fall Of The Azure Window
Before The Fall Of The Azure Window

... British. More recently, in 2014, those silver screen gods Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie came here to shoot By The Sea. Gozo was chosen as a filming location because of its photogenic seascapes. This week, sadly, the most famous of them, the Azure Window, fell victim to erosion, collapsing into the sea. A post shared by Alana (@siamese 494) on. Feb 21, 2017 at 6:54 am PST. I was there for the same reason as the Hollywood filmmakers. To capture historical and scenic landscapes on camera, with the help of Pete, a professional photographer, as part of a three-day tour organised by Artisan Travel. I had much to learn - and that was before we'd even studied my photographs. "We are meant to be here to take pictures and I can’t see either of you reaching for your cameras," chided Pete. My mother, after a declaration that she must learn to take better photographs of the family, was my eager companion - and ready to share the embarrassment. We are both ...

Beroemde Rotspartij Azure Window Ingestort
Beroemde Rotspartij Azure Window Ingestort

... Hij noemt het instorten van de rots "hartverscheurend". The site from where one could admire it-Tieqa tad-Dwejra. Heartbreaking. __link__/S 4 XV 6 My KRu. — Joseph Muscat (@Joseph Muscat_JM) March 8, 2017. De Azure Window was een populaire bestemming onder toeristen. Daarbij maakten veel mensen een wandeling over de door de natuur gevormde brug. Ook werd de rots steeds vaker gebruikt door 'cliffjumpers'. Op You Tube zijn veel filmpjes te vinden van mensen die illegaal van de rots af duiken. Man springt van Azure Window af. De rotsformatie heeft in meerdere films en series als decor gediend. Bijvoorbeeld in de films Clash of the Titans (1981) en The Count of Monte Cristo (2002). Ook in de populaire serie Game of Thrones is de boog te zien, tijdens een bruiloft in de eerste aflevering van het eerste seizoen. ...

Das Felsentor Azure Window Ist Eingestürzt
Das Felsentor Azure Window Ist Eingestürzt

... zusammengebrochen. Speziell seit «Game of Thrones» war die Naturattraktion bei Touristen beliebt. Zehn-Punkte-Plan: EU will Mittelmeer-Route dicht machen. Fehler gesehen. Eine Geschichte von mehreren Millionen Jahren fand heute ein abruptes Ende: Das berühmte Felsentor «Azure Window» auf der maltesischen Insel Gozo ist am Mittwochvormittag um circa 9.40 Uhr während eines Sturms eingestürzt und wurde vom Meer komplett verschlungen. Die Naturattraktion, auf Maltesisch «Tieqa tad-Dwejra» genannt, war ein berühmter Filmschauplatz und ein Touristenmagnet. Der maltesische Ministerpräsident bestätigte den Einsturz auf Twitter: Verschiedene Untersuchungen hätten über die Jahre gezeigt, dass unvermeidliche natürliche Zersetzung dem Wahrzeichen stark zusetzt. «Dieser traurige Tag ist gekommen», so Muscat. Reports commissioned over the years ...

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