Khizr Khan

Khizr Khan Rose To Fame With His Emotional Pleas Against Trump. Now He's Targeting The 'politics Of Fear
Khizr Khan Rose To Fame With His Emotional Pleas Against Trump. Now He's Targeting The 'politics Of Fear

... Va., and is a naturalized citizen from Pakistan, has become a sought-after speaker. Before Sunday, he had visited with about two dozen groups since the election and plans to visit a few dozen more, all while working on a memoir that will be released next year. It’s talking with those who are decades younger than him, he said, that “heartens me.”. Khizr Khan holds a pocket U. S. Constitution at the Democratic National Convention in July. Alex Wong / Getty Images. Khizr Khan holds a pocket U. S. Constitution at the Democratic National Convention in July. Khizr Khan holds a pocket U. S. Constitution at the Democratic National Convention in July. (Alex Wong / Getty Images). “Believe me, what you feel in your heart at this very moment about the future of your country, about your future, exactly the same thoughts and feelings are in Michigan, in Chicago, in Portland, Ore.; in Texas, in Columbus, in Boston. So all of us and all decent Americans feel exactly the same way.… If you are so ...

Khizr Khan Joins Immigration Lawyers At Dulles Airport
Khizr Khan Joins Immigration Lawyers At Dulles Airport

... best of America’ — people coming together and ensuring that other people had access to lawyers to protect due process.”. Seddiq, the immigration attorney, said Khan drove to the airport from his home in Charlottesville, Va., to see DJC’s operation and show his respects. He wound up staying for over two hours, holding a sign like the other volunteers and talking to travelers passing by. She first met the Khans after they came to a press conference for her American Muslim Women political action committee in October. Earlier this week, she emailed Khan to ask if he would like to visit DJC at the airport. “It’s not just his stance against Trump. It’s really what he stands for as an American, upholding our values and who we believe we still are as a people,” she said. “He really does speak truth to power no matter what gets thrown his way. And I think for most of us at the airport right now, struggling with what’s happening, he’s a true inspiration.”. Ahmad said, “He went into the crowds to let people know that there were lawyers available to provide legal assistance for anyone who ...

Gold Star Father Khizr Khan Cancels Canada Trip; Questions Raised About 'travel Privileges
Gold Star Father Khizr Khan Cancels Canada Trip; Questions Raised About 'travel Privileges

... The cancellation came on the same day the Trump administration announced a revised executive order restricting travel from six Muslim-majority countries. Khan emigrated to the U. S. in 1980 from Pakistan, which is not on the list. Khan’s son Capt. Humayun Khan was killed serving in Iraq in 2004. He was posthumously awarded a Purple Heart for saving the lives of other soldiers. The elder Khan and his wife Ghazala appeared in Philadelphia at the DNC in July, during which he delivered a speech rejection then-Republican candidate Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslims from the U. S. because they are a security risk. Asked last week by the Toronto Star whether he was concerned about his own personal security , Khan said, “We will continue to speak out and I do it pro bono. That’s all a patriotic citizen can do. We have taken precautions and we are very, very careful. But we have to take some risks.”. Khan told Canadian television station CTV on Monday that he had no further comment on his travel. He said the same to NPR. Asked Khizr Khan several simple, clarifying Qs via email. He got back, saying only "Thank you - no comments." I'd stay away from this ...

5 Lessons From Khizr Khan
5 Lessons From Khizr Khan

... summer’s DNC, came to speak at Harvard’s JFK Jr. Forum last week. Mr. Khan, whose son (a U. S. Army Captain) died in combat in Iraq, has become something of a moral authority for those opposed to the new Administration. I had the opportunity to sit down with Mr. Khan, who is as articulate as he is soft-spoken, before the Forum. Here are some key takeaways from what he had to say. 1. The World is Watching: Mr. Khan spoke about the worldwide press attention he got after his speech at the DNC last summer. He said that the Japanese, Korean, and German media were asking him about the Constitution and our heritage of pluralism in this country. He noted that what can seem like a parochial issue for American society is being watched with great interest in all corners of our world. 2. You Don’t Know What You Have Until Its Gone: Mr. Khan told the moving story of falling in love with America’s founding documents while a student in Pakistan. Referring to our civil liberties, he noted that “when you have something that ...

Father Of Slain Soldier Who Criticized Trump Says Travel Rights Reviewed
Father Of Slain Soldier Who Criticized Trump Says Travel Rights Reviewed

... from traveling to the United States, but Pakistan is not one of those countries and the ban does not apply to U. S. citizens or legal permanent U. S. residents. "Mr. Khan will not be traveling to Toronto on March 7 th to speak about tolerance, understanding, unity and the rule of law," said Ramsay Talks, which announced guests would be refunded the ticket price of C$89. Khan and his wife, Ghazala Khan, appeared at the Democratic National Convention in support of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and shared the story of their son, U. S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed during the Iraq war. During his speech, he asked Trump if he had ever read the U. S. Constitution and said that he would gladly lend him his copy. He urged Trump to "look for the words liberty and equal protection of law" in the document. Trump responded by questioning whether Clinton's aides scripted Khan's speech and questioned whether Ghazala Khan was allowed to speak. Khan and Trump went on to exchange further criticism, dominating ...

Khizr Khan Cancels Canadian Appearance Over Review Of 'travel Privileges
Khizr Khan Cancels Canadian Appearance Over Review Of 'travel Privileges

... privileges are being reviewed.”. “As a consequence, Mr. Khan will not be traveling to Toronto on March 7 th to speak about tolerance, understanding, unity and the rule of law,” the statement read. The statement also included remarks attributed to Khan, though the agency that reportedly contacted him was not identified. This turn of events is not just of deep concern to me but to all my fellow Americans who cherish our freedom to travel abroad. I have not been given any reason as to why. I am grateful for your support and look forward to visiting Toronto in the near future. Ramsay Talks host Bob Ramsay told Snopes via e-mail that he did not know which agency got in touch with Khan, and that his company was not contacted prior to Khan’s cancellation. Khan, who was born in Pakistan, was naturalized as a U. S. citizen in 1986, as was his wife Ghazala. The couple’s son, Humayun Khan, was killed while serving as an Army captain in Iraq in 2004, which led to their being designated as a Gold Star family. ...

Former Ohr Chadash Writer Meets Khizr Khan
Former Ohr Chadash Writer Meets Khizr Khan

... so I had a wide range of topics that we got to discuss.”. Max took away a lot from his opportunity. There were a few lessons, however, that really stuck with him. “He really does have a refreshing perspective on America,” Max said.“[The interview was in] the middle of an election cycle that was so ridiculously brutal. But he [was] so upbeat and positive. He spoke about the American dream, and how we are all blessed to be here.”. Max also stressed the importance of reaching out to people that inspire someone. “Getting in touch with people that interest you [is] definitely worth doing,” he noted. “The worst thing that could happen is that they don’t respond, but you could end up with an experience like I had that was extremely interesting and extremely relevant– it’s pretty cool.”. Max was kind enough to share the conversation that he had with Khizr and Ghazala Khan; excerpts are published below. How has Islamophobia affected you. Khizr Khan: I have not ...

Interview With Khizr Khan
Interview With Khizr Khan

... and join others who are protesting. That has a tremendously powerful impact on the people who are misleading the country. They mend their course. They mend their methods and their foolishness. That is what my hope is, and that is what we will continue to do. HPR: Your public statements have mobilized many in the South Asian and Muslim American communities to identify more solidly with the struggle against xenophobia and discrimination. What do you strive to convey to these communities through your public presence and activism. KK: That xenophobia is un-American. Always know this: anyone who uses that kind of rhetoric against any ethnicity or group, be it Muslims or any other community, is practicing un-American [behavior]. Always remind them that xenophobia is un-American. This kind of bigotry will ...

New Travel Ban Has A Better Chance Of Surviving Court Challenges Than The Old One
New Travel Ban Has A Better Chance Of Surviving Court Challenges Than The Old One

... and the agencies that the six nations in question are state sponsors of terrorism or are countries where terrorist [activities] are matters of high concern. The editing out of special exceptions for Christian minorities undermines criticism that this order arises from anti-religion bias. It will be much harder to show connections between anti-Muslim statements made during the campaign and the motives behind this order. John Yoo, UC Berkeley law professor who worked in President George W. Bush’s Department of Justice. Erwin Chemerinsky in 2009. (Robert Lachman / Los Angeles Times). This is certainly better drafted than the prior version, especially with regard to not excluding those who have the lawful right to be in the United States. But it still designates majority Muslim countries where there is no linkage to terrorism in the United States. This still runs afoul of the 1965 Immigration ...

Ben Carson Referred To Slaves As 'immigrants' While Addressing His Department
Ben Carson Referred To Slaves As 'immigrants' While Addressing His Department

... Carson read the news today. [ USA Today ]. The Trump administration is proposing a 17 percent cut in the budget for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, including a coastal resilience program that seeks to protect cities from storms and rising oceans. A good way to beat the coastal elites—just drown ‘em! (And, whoops, also Mar-a-Lago!) [ Washington Post ]. The Trump administration, which includes multiple people who have been accused of domestic violence and which may cut funding for Violence Against Women grants in the Justice Department, has included in its new travel ban a directive for the DHS to collect and publicize “information regarding the number and types of gender-based violence against women, including so-called ‘honor killings,’ in the United States by foreign nationals.” [ Think Progress ]. Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) has urged the president to “purge Leftists from the executive branch.” [ The Hill ]. FBI ...

Khizr Khan Forcé D’annuler Sa Présence À Toronto
Khizr Khan Forcé D’annuler Sa Présence À Toronto

... «Ramsay Talks», qui l’avait invité à Toronto. Il a été impossible lundi de joindre un porte-parole de ces «Rencontres Ramsay» pour savoir d’où vient précisément la «réévaluation» des conditions de déplacements de l’orateur américain. Sur sa page Facebook, l’organisme torontois cite M. Khan, qui soutient lui aussi ignorer les motifs de cette mesure. Il se dit par ailleurs «préoccupé» par cette affaire, «comme d’ailleurs tous (ses) compatriotes américains, jaloux de notre liberté de voyager à l’étranger». Son fils, le capitaine Humayun Khan, est l’un des 14 Américains musulmans morts en service au cours des dix années qui ont suivi les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 aux États-Unis. Le capitaine Khan avait été tué en 2004 en tentant de protéger son unité contre un kamikaze qui s’était fait exploser, en Irak. Lors de son discours à la convention du Parti démocrate, l’été dernier, M. Khan avait laissé entendre que M. Trump, alors candidat républicain, n’avait pas lu la Constitution américaine. En brandissant une version format de poche, il avait lancé que Donald Trump, lui, n’avait rien sacrifié dans cette guerre au terrorisme. M. Trump avait rétorqué quelques ...

Khizr Khan’s Message To Protesters Against Muslim Ban
Khizr Khan’s Message To Protesters Against Muslim Ban

... situation demanded that we take further measures of violating our civil liberties,” Khan said. Khan gained prominence as an activist in 2016 after delivering a powerful speech at the Democratic National Convention in which he offered to give Trump a copy of the U. S. Constitution. In response, Trump infamously ― and falsely ― suggested that Khan’s wife, Ghazala Khan, wasn’t allowed to speak at the convention because she is a Muslim woman. Since Trump’s election victory, Khan has continued to speak out against the Trump administration ― which he refers to as a “clown show” ― for scapegoating and disparaging Muslims. Khan said that while he is in awe of the thousands of protesters who flooded airports in response to Trump’s executive order banning refugees for 120 days, Syrian refugees indefinitely and people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the nation for 90 days, he’s deeply concerned the order was allowed to happen in the first place. He is particularly “discouraged” and “disheartened,” he said, by Republicans’ unwillingness to speak out against Trump’s ...

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